Mar 11, 2025  
Catalog 2015-2016 
Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ELECT EFAMK - E.A. Conway Senior Elective Program

COURSE DIRECTOR(S): Tammy Baudoin, M.D. PHONE: 318.675.5347
ELECTIVE DIRECTOR(S): Euil Luther, M.D. CONTACT: Christena Hay
LOCATION OF ELECTIVE: E.A. Conway Medical Center, Monroe, LA
ELECTIVE OFFERED DURING BLOCKS: All Contact Crawford Plummer for Housing
COURSE CODE: EFAMK 318.330.7626 /

1 credit




Goal: Familiarity with scope of medicine commonly managed by FM Faculty and House Officers at Conway


                The student will:

   provide detailed and comprehensive care in a community hospital setting with faculty supervision.

   To specifically:

*  describe the unique situation and setting of the community hospital and associated practice of family medicine.

*  work with LSUHSC-S residents and faculty in the community hospital and Family Practice

Center, seeing all types of patients as a junior colleague.

*  recognize dermatological problems.

*  recognize and treat a large variety of medical problems.

*  recognize and treat a variety of pediatric problems.

*  list indications for and use of cryotherapy.

*  list indications for and proficient use of myofascial injections.

*  participate/perform excisional treatment of common family practice skin problems under observation of the attending.

*  participate/perform endoscopy under observation of the attending.


E.A. Conway Medical Center in Monroe is affiliated with LSU Health Sciences Center in Shreveport. Rotations are designed to give students as much clinical responsibility as they are prepared to assume. On-site supervision is available to students at all times from both faculty and residents. Frequent conferences and teaching rounds are held. Specific responsibilities are assigned by the chief of the service at the beginning of each students rotation.


Family Practice: This rotation takes place in the Family Practice Center, our model family practice clinic located adjacent to the hospital. Students work one-on-one with a family practice faculty physician, seeing a wide variety of family practice patients. There are no required night or weekend responsibilities.


Internal Medicine: Students are assigned to a panel of patients on an inpatient team, on which they round daily, write progress notes, and make diagnostic and therapeutic decisions in conjunction with faculty and residents.  They take night call with their assigned team, evaluate Medicine consultations in the Emergency Room, and perform admission histories and physical examinations. Students round on their patients on half of the weekend days and holidays during their rotation.


Pediatrics: Students are assigned to either the Pediatric ward or the nursery, and round daily on weekdays on their assigned patients, write progress notes, and make diagnostic and therapeutic decisions in conjunction with the faculty and residents. They see patients in the ambulatory Pediatric clinic every day - morning and afternoon. They take call one night per week, and are responsible for evaluating Pediatric consultations in the Emergency Room and performing admission histories and physical examinations. There are no required weekend duties.


General Surgery: This is a busy general surgery service, including outpatient clinics, operating room, and inpatient service. Night and weekend responsibilities are determined by the chief resident at the beginning of each students rotation.


Orthopedics: This rotation includes outpatient clinics, operating room, and inpatient service. It is an excellent opportunity to participate in the assessment and management of acute orthopedic trauma and more chronic conditions. Splinting and casting skills are developed. Night and weekend responsibilities are determined by the chief resident at the beginning of each students rotation.


Emergency Room: Students work with full-time ER faculty, seeing patients at their own pace. The schedule is flexible.


Radiology: The student rotates with a private radiology group who staff E.A. Conway. Films are reviewed with the radiologists at E.A. Conway. There are no night or weekend responsibilities.


Anesthesiology: This is an introductory survey of anesthesia, including structured readings and opportunities for controlled endotracheal intubation. There are no night or weekend responsibilities.


Housing is provided for students and should be requested prior to rotation.



