Jul 26, 2024  
Manual of Procedure 2014 
Manual of Procedure 2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Article I. The Faculty


School of Medicine, School of Graduate Studies and School of Allied Health Professions

1.0 Membership:

The Faculty is the body responsible for formulating and recommending academic policies of their respective Schools, and as such represents the academic core of the Health Sciences Center. The Faculty of LSUHSC-S shall consist of a voting Faculty and a nonvoting Faculty. The voting Faculty include: full-time academic faculty with voting rights as identified in PM 23 and the Faculty Handbook; Full Time Affiliated (FTA) faculty; and part-time faculty with ranks of Instructor through Professor of Clinical * and Clinical Instructor through Professor of * designations and who have a greater than 49% effort appointment. Adjunct, gratis, and research faculty with 49% effort or less appointment may attend meetings and have the right to the floor, but do not have voting privileges.

* denotes the Department of appointment

2.0 Officers:

2.1 President:

A President of the Faculty shall be elected by the voting Faculty to serve a one-year term. The President shall serve no more than two successive terms. The President shall be a member of the voting Faculty. The Duties of the President are to:


Preside at General Faculty meetings. In the absence of the President of the Faculty or his/her designated representative, the Secretary of the Faculty shall preside.


Prepare the agenda for all General Faculty meetings in consultation with the Chancellor and the Deans of the various schools.


Represent and stand for the Faculty.


Charter faculty committees when appropriate.


Maintain regular communication with faculty committees.


Preserve order and decorum in meetings.


Appoint a parliamentarian.

2.2 Secretary:

A Secretary of the Faculty shall be elected by the Faculty Senate and  will serve a simultaneous one-year term as Secretary of the General Faculty and  of the Faculty Senate. The duties of the Secretary are to:


Distribute minutes of the General Faculty meetings to members of the Faculty within 10 working days after a meeting.


Distribute minutes of Faculty Senate meetings to members of the Faculty Senate within 10 working days after a meeting.


Maintain a permanent file of such minutes in the Medical Library.


Distribute agendas and information pertinent to the agenda to voting Faculty and Faculty Senate members in advance of the General Faculty and Faculty Senate meetings.


Preside over meetings in the absence of the President and the President’s designated representative.


Provide nominating petitions for members of the voting Faculty for each election.


Before each election, verify eligibility of Faculty nominated for each position.


Prepare election ballots and oversee elections.


Perform other duties as assigned by the President.

2.3 Parliamentarian:

The President of the Faculty shall appoint a Parliamentarian who shall assure that the meetings are run in accordance with the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

3.0 Meetings:

3.1 Regular Meetings:

General Faculty Meetings shall be held in the fall, winter and spring.

3.2 Special Meetings:

Special meetings of the Faculty may be called by the President of the General Faculty, the Chancellor, or on petition of at least fifty members of the voting Faculty. Faculty must be notified at least 5 working days prior to a special meeting.

3.3 Quorum:

Ten percent of the members of the voting Faculty shall constitute a quorum.

3.4 Rules:

Meetings and voting shall be conducted according to the latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order.

3.5 Reports:

The Chancellor, the Dean of the School of Medicine, the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and the Dean of the School of Allied Health Professions will report to the Faculty at General Faculty meetings. Standing and special committee reports may be submitted or presented.

4.0 Duties of the Voting Faculty:

The Faculty of the School of Medicine, School of Graduate Studies and the School of Allied Health Professions shall act regarding their respective schools to:


Determine educational policy.


Formulate and establish curricula.


Formulate and establish admissions requirements and delegate to standing Admissions Committees the selection of students.


Recommend the granting of degrees, professional and graduate.


Make recommendations to the Deans of the various schools regarding policies of the Health Sciences Center, including the organization and performance of teaching, research, and service functions.


The Faculty shall within the framework of the educational policy of the LSU System, have legislative power over all matters pertaining to its own meetings and may delegate its own authority to standing committees whose authority shall be limited to matters which are proper to the Faculty and which have been specifically delegated by the Faculty.