Oct 16, 2024  
Catalog 2024-2025 
Catalog 2024-2025

Institutional Policies & Procedures

Accommodation for Disabilities

LSUHSC-S seeks to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 by providing reasonable accommodations to students with documented disabilities. Identification as a student with a disability is always voluntary. However, only those students who identify themselves to the University and/or present appropriate documentation of a disability are eligible for accommodations. View full policy at Administrative Directive 6.6: Americans with Disabilities Act.

Students are responsible for following the Student Policy for Requesting Accommodations to request disability-related accommodations. Costs associated with documentation of a disability are the responsibility of the student. Upon receipt of such information, the dean (or dean’s designee) will determine what reasonable accommodations, if any, are appropriate for the student. Detailed policy on Accommodation may be obtained through each school’s Admissions Office.

Accommodation for Religious Practices & Observances

LSU Health Sciences Center - Shreveport is committed to providing an academic and work environment that is respectful of the religious diversity of its students and employees. In furtherance of that commitment, the LSUHSC-S will attempt to make accommodations while maintaining the primacy of its commitment to patient care and education.

Students who have a need for religious accommodation shall notify their school’s Dean (or Dean’s designee) prior to the start of the academic year. The school will make reasonable efforts to accommodate timely requests for absences associated with religious observances. If it is established that there is a legitimate need then, where possible, the student(s) shall be provided reasonable accommodation, including the opportunity to make up the missed academic activity.

Student Alcohol And Drug Policy

The physical and mental well-being of LSU Health Sciences Center- Shreveport students is essential to its educational research, and service missions. Substance abuse causes serious adverse consequences to the individual as well as to the university community and the public.

LSU Health Sciences Center -Shreveport is committed to creating and maintaining an environment that is free of alcohol and other drug abuse. The University complies with Louisiana Law and other applicable regulations governing alcoholic beverages and the use of illicit substances by those on the University’s premises or participating in its activities.

Read the Administrative Directive 2.8.5: Substance and Alcohol Abuse Policy for additional information, including drug testing/screening, searches/inspections, enforcement, criminal penalties, rehabilitation, and reporting procedures.

Routine alcohol and drug testing

A critical part of medical education involves learning experiences in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Use of these facilities in training is essential, and students must be able to complete their assigned rotations. Many hospitals and healthcare facilities have policies requiring drug testing and/or criminal background checks for employees, students, and volunteers. Facilities that provide instruction to LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport students may have or may adopt in the future, drug testing and/or criminal background check policies. Some facilities mandate that students who test positive for drugs, or who have certain types of information in their criminal background checks, are ineligible to work in their facility.

Students who test positive on a routine drug test will be referred to the Dean of their respective school (or Dean’s designee) who will review their test results. If a student refuses evaluation or consent to share the results of this evaluation, he/she may be subject to disciplinary procedures including eligibility of recommendation for dismissal.

For cause testing

To ensure compliance with institutional policies and to promote a safe and healthy work environment LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport may require students to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing “for cause” based upon reasonable suspicion of substance abuse, b) the unauthorized use or possession of alcohol on campus or at a health care setting or c) the use of or possession of illicit drugs at any time. Reasonable suspicion of substance abuse may be based upon, but is not limited to, the following criteria:

  • Direct observation of drug or alcohol use or possession and /or demonstration of physical symptoms of the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • A pattern of abnormal or erratic behavior, consistent with alcohol or drug abuse
  • Arrest or conviction for a drug or alcohol-related offense; identification as the focus of a criminal investigation into illicit drug use, possession, or trafficking
  • Evidence that a student has tampered with a previous drug or alcohol test
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia


Under appropriate circumstances and in accordance with the law, LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport, in conjunction with law enforcement authorities, reserves the right to conduct unannounced searches and inspections of LSUHSC-S facilities and properties, including vehicles.


Reporting persons must contact the Dean of the student’s school (or Dean’s designee) and should document the exact reason why they suspect a violation. Every effort should be made to document the behavior and how the behavior is affecting the student’s performance. The reporting person should make every effort to document the specific facts that would lead a reasonable person to the conclusion that the student was using or was in possession of illicit drugs or unauthorized alcohol. Whenever possible, corroborating statements from other administrators, faculty, employees, or students as well as patients should be obtained.


When the determination to test for cause has been made, the student will be escorted to the Student/Occupational Health Clinic to obtain his/her drug screening for collection of urine samples to test for drugs and/or alcohol. Testing costs will be borne by LSUHSC-S. Testing will be done according to standard procedure for these settings.

The School will direct the Drug Screening Report to be sent to the Dean of the student’s school or his/her designee. Prior to making a final decision to confirm a positive test, the student will have the opportunity to discuss the test results and provide any documentation for a legitimate medical explanation for the positive test result.


Any student who fails an alcohol or drug test will be subject to disciplinary sanctions and a disciplinary hearing. These sanctions could result in dismissal. An individual’s participation in, and successful completion of, an approved drug or alcohol counseling program coupled with his/her consent to random testing may be considered in the disciplinary process but does not ensure that dismissal will not occur.

Any student who is given the option to participate in a rehabilitation program will comply with the treatment and rehab requirements set forth below:

  • Satisfactorily participate in a substance abuse assistance program or rehabilitation program.
  • The student must provide permission for the treatment center to provide continuing communication and regular reports to the LSUHSC-S Dean.
  • After successful completion of the treatment/rehabilitation program, the student must provide evidence of continued outpatient therapy in an approved program appropriate to the treatment recommendation.
  • Remain substance-free after completing a rehabilitation program for chemical dependency and participate in random drug screening during rehabilitation and for the duration of their education at LSUHSC-S.
  • Failure to comply with these requirements may result in a recommendation for dismissal.

Refusal to Consent to Testing

Any student who refuses to consent to an alcohol or drug test for cause or fails to provide an adequate specimen will be subject to discipline, up to and including a recommendation for dismissal.


LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport respects the individual rights of its students. Every effort will be made to keep the results of alcohol and drug testing confidential. Students should be aware that test results may be used for administrative hearings and court cases and may be sent to state and /or federal agencies as required by applicable law.

Any student involvement in a rehabilitative program for substance abuse will be handled with confidentiality. Students seeking such assistance shall be protected from abuse, ridicule, retribution, and retaliatory action. All medical information obtained will be protected as confidential unless otherwise required by law or overriding public health and safety concerns.

Substance Abuse Self-Identification

The LSUHSC-S administration and faculty wish to assist students before they develop academic or legal problems related to alcohol and drugs. When a student is self-referred for treatment or counseling, no official report is made unless specific permission is granted by the student. Patient-physician confidentiality is carefully guarded.

LSUHSC-S encourages students who have developed substance abuse problems to voluntarily identify themselves and seek immediate treatment.

A student who voluntarily self-identifies as an abuser may be permitted to continue his/her current course of study without suspension, provided:

  • This self-identification occurs PRIOR to any incident that is grounds for suspension or dismissal under institutional policy.
  • The student immediately enters an approved treatment program for drug or alcohol abuse.
  • The student’s conduct and academic performance remain consistent with the demands of the curriculum and profession.

A student who voluntarily self-identifies as an abuser and who, by his /her own admission, by the testimony of approved abuse counselors, or by the determination of institutional authority is no longer capable of acceptable academic and professional conduct will be required to take a medical leave of absence from LSUHSC-S. Nothing in this paragraph will preclude LSUHSC-S from suspending, dismissing, or taking other appropriate action against the student for unacceptable academic performance or lack of professional conduct.

Notification of Arrests/Convictions

Students must notify their School’s Dean of any drug or alcohol-related arrests or convictions within ten (10) working days after the charge of an offense. Failure to do so and subsequent notification during a required background check may result in disciplinary action including dismissal. Drug-Free Workplace Act, Government Code Section 8350-8357.

Campus Safety Policies

Alcoholic Beverages Policies

LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport seeks to encourage and sustain an academic environment that both respects individual freedom and promotes the health, safety, and welfare of all members of its community. In keeping with these objectives, LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport has established a policy governing the possession, sale, and consumption of alcoholic beverages on LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport property which conforms to Louisiana state law.

Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages on property owned or controlled by LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport is prohibited. Under-age possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on property owned or controlled by LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport is prohibited. Intentionally or knowingly selling or intentionally or knowingly “furnishing” alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 21 or to persons obviously inebriated is not permitted on property owned or controlled by LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport. View full policy at CM12 Guidelines for the Responsible Use of Alcohol

Illegal Drugs Policy

LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport does not condone the possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs by anyone in any LSUHSC-S facility. Any person known to be possessing, using, or distributing such illegal drugs is subject to disciplinary action and possible arrest, imprisonment, or fine according to Louisiana State Law. View full policy at CM7 Drug-Free Workplace and Workforce.

Smoking Policy

LSUHSC-Shreveport is a smoke-free organization. Smoking will be prohibited on all properties, leased or owned, of the Health Sciences Center. This policy is in effect for all employees, students, patients, and visitors of the Health Sciences Center. View full policy at CM10 No Smoking Policy.

Weapons Possession Policy

In compliance with Louisiana State Law, the introduction of contraband on the grounds or in the facilities owned or controlled by LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport is prohibited. Weapons include firearms, explosives, knives, and straight razors.

Credit Hour Policy

LSUHSC-S adheres to federal regulations that define credit hours as a measure of student work involving a minimum of one hour of classroom instruction and two hours of out-of-class work per week for approximately fifteen weeks. However, credit assignment may vary when external accrediting bodies, like the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), define program length differently, often in weeks of instruction.

View full policy at Credit Hour Policy.


LSUHSC-S is dedicated to maintaining a harassment-free environment for all members and visitors. Harassment, excluding sexual harassment, is strictly prohibited, and appropriate action will be taken to prevent, address, and, when necessary, discipline violators. This policy outlines the procedures for preventing and resolving non-sexual harassment incidents at LSUHSC-S. Employees and students are encouraged to engage in preventive education and training programs on harassment, provided by various departments including Human Resources. Sexual harassment is addressed separately in AD 2.1.1 Sexual Harassment.

View full policy at Administrative Directive: 2.1.3: Harassment.

Inclement Weather Policy

The administration at LSUHSC-S decides when the campus is closed due to inclement weather. If LSUHSC-S is closed or delayed in opening for inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances, classes will be canceled, nonessential offices will be closed, and staffing will be reduced to the level necessary to support essential operations in the institution until the campus officially reopens.

The LSUHSC-S Alert system will serve to notify faculty, students, and staff of such events. Each school’s Dean will notify their respective students about plans to reschedule any missed sessions and assessments due to the closure or delay.

View full policy at Administrative Directive 2.8.2: Emergency - Reduction of Operations and Staff/Inclement Weather.

SmartNotice Emergency Notification

LSUHSC-S has implemented the SmartNotice Emergency Notification System to expand and enhance its emergency notification methods. In the event of an emergency, SmartNotice may be used to provide pertinent information and instructions to LSUHSC-S students and employees through email and text messaging. Students and employees with an LSUHSC-S email account will automatically have their name and LSUHSC-S email enrolled into the SmartNotice System. Enrollment in the SmartNotice System is provided at no cost to students and employees. Enrollees who choose to update their contact information to receive text messages from the SmartNotice System may incur costs as outlined by their own cellular provider’s contract. See the SmartNotice Enrollment webpage.


LSUHSC-S is dedicated to equal opportunity, prohibiting discrimination in admission, participation, and employment based on various factors, as outlined in LSU System policy and federal and state laws. The institution complies with equal opportunity standards and affirms its commitment to fairness in all aspects of employment. Additionally, retaliation against those involved in discrimination claims or proceedings is strictly prohibited.

View full policy at Administrative Directive 6.2: Non-Discrimination.

Social Media/Internal & External Communications & Branding

Each student is responsible for his or her postings on the Internet and in all varieties of social media. In all communications, students are expected to be courteous, respectful, and considerate of others. Inappropriate postings on the Internet or social media will be considered lapses in the standards of professionalism expected of LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport students. Students responsible for such postings are subject to the disciplinary process in the same manner as for any other unprofessional behavior that occurs outside the academic setting. Students who do not follow these expectations may face disciplinary actions including dismissal from the LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport.

The following Administrative Directives and Brand Standards apply to students.

6.17 Website & Online Communication
6.18 Social Media Use: Personal and Professional Communications
6.19 Internal and External Communications
LSU Health Shreveport Brand Standards

These documents provide guidance & requirements for the use of social media in relation to LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport activities. Guidance is also available for all online communication to include proper branding for LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport. All students should be familiar with and abide by these guidelines. Highlights of these policies include:

  • No images, video, or sound files should be recorded or posted from patient care areas because they may inadvertently include patients or patient information and thus violate the HIPAA law. Identified patients or patient information should never be posted unless cleared with the Office of Communications and Public Affairs once confirmed all policies and laws are abided by. 
  • All social media channels used for official LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport communications must be approved by the Office of Communications and Public Affairs prior to creation. Failure to obtain approval could result in that account being terminated if it does not adhere to or meet the standards and/or the guidelines outlined in Social Media Usage and associated Administrative Directives. Please refer to the Social Media Usage Administrative Directive for how to request social media accounts. 
  • Any item, flyer, or academic poster featuring the LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport of the logo or the logo of your respective school must receive approval from the Office of Communications and Public Relations or Medical Communications. Any item produced with any LSU Health Shreveport logo must be produced by an LSU-licensed vendor. 

Lisa Babin, Executive Director of Public Affairs, Communications and Development 
318-675-8769 (office) | Lisa.Babin@lsuhs.edu

Student Exposure Protocol

Student, while performing duties in that capacity, is injured or exposed (mucous membranes or open skin) to blood, body fluids, or other infectious material via needle stick or splash.

Definitions of Exposure: Punctured with a used needle or a contaminated sharp; mucous membranes splashed with blood/body fluids; blood/body fluid contact with non-intact skin.

Any student who sustains a needle stick or other wound resulting in exposure to blood or body fluids should follow the following procedure. Please keep in mind, that drug prophylaxis following a high-risk exposure is time sensitive, therefore you must immediately seek help from the appropriate hospital department.

On Campus Exposure

Monday-Friday 7:00am-4:00pm
Report to LSUHS Occupational/Student Health

After Hours, Weekends, and Holidays
Report to Ochsner LSU Health Emergency Room

  1. Treat the exposure site:
    • Percutaneous Stick:
      • Bleed the Wound; use soap and water to wash areas exposed to potentially infectious fluids as soon as possible after exposure. Puncture wounds can be cleaned with an alcohol-based cleanser, chloroxylenol, or chlorhexidine.
    • Mucous Membrane Exposure with blood:
      • Immediately flush the area with water (for eye splashes flush with water or saline solution for a minimum of fifteen minutes)
  2. The student should notify his/her supervisor/clinical preceptor of the exposure
  3. The supervisor/Clinical Preceptor will immediately complete an LSUHS ON-THE-JOB INJURY REPORT, as appropriate to the situation. On-the-Job Injury Reporting (Administrative Directive 7.2)
  4. The supervisor/Clinical Preceptor will ensure that the following steps are taken:
    1. A blood sample from the patient who is the source should be obtained. Two red top tubes are needed from the source (neither a doctor’s order nor the patient’s permission is needed).
    2. The blood sample test tubes should be labeled with the patient’s (source) information. The tubes and the LSUHSC-S ON-THE-JOB INJURY REPORT signed by a supervisor should be brought to Occupational/Student Health
  5. Student reports to Occupational/Student Health (3rd Floor Comp Care Bldg.) or Ochsner LSU Health ER for initial lab work and medical treatment. Medical treatment may include, but is not limited to post-exposure prophylaxis, stitches for a laceration, or irrigation of eyes after a splash depending on the exposure type, injury, and source of patient information.
  6. The exposed student should return to the Occupational Health Clinic when notified by email, usually by the next business day for follow-up (the initial test results should be available at that time).

Exposure at an Outside Facility

  1. Follow procedures consistent with the institution and report to the nearest emergency room if applicable.
  2. Student or supervisor/clinical preceptor calls Occupational/Student Health (318-626-0663) regarding the incident (student name, date, and time) within 24 hours. Fill out an LSUHS ON-THE-JOB INJURY REPORT, as appropriate to the situation
  3. An Occupational/Student Health representative will work with outside agency to plan follow-up care.

Note: Students are not financially responsible for any lab tests ordered for proper treatment of the incident. If exposure occurs outside of the LSU Health or Ochsner LSU Health facility, the student may be billed for the cost incurred.

Procedure for Withdrawing from the University

All students admitted to an LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport academic program are expected to continue enrollment until completion of the program. Students who cease enrollment in ALL classes for a given term will be considered withdrawn unless the student has received an approved Leave of Absence. For clarification, a student who remains enrolled in one class has not withdrawn and is still considered enrolled. A student may voluntarily resign beginning with the first day of class through the final day for withdrawal. The withdrawal process is initiated in the designated office of the student’s respective school. A Withdrawal Notification Form must be submitted by the designated school official to the Office of the Registrar for students leaving the institution permanently or temporarily. Some academic programs may require additional clearance actions for students leaving the institution. Students returning to the institution after an approved leave of absence or withdrawal must contact their school regarding instructions and requirements for re-entry.


Official Withdrawal: An official withdrawal occurs when a student notifies the institution of his or her intent to withdraw by following the Institution’s Withdrawal Process.

Unofficial Withdrawal: An unofficial withdrawal occurs when a student ceases attendance in classes but does not notify the Institution through the official withdrawal process.

Term Withdrawal: Dropping ALL classes for the term or semester constitutes resigning from the term. Some academic programs may automatically withdraw a student from their academic program if they drop all classes for the term or semester in which they are enrolled. Students should consult their program’s academic policy prior to dropping all classes.

Program Withdrawal: A Program Withdrawal occurs when a student officially withdraws from their program of study. The Program Withdrawal may occur on the same date as the Term Withdrawal. For program withdrawals, the official withdrawal date will be the date the official written notice is provided by the student to the designated office within his or her school.

Delayed Academic Progression: This status occurs when a student, who has completed the current term, is deemed academically ineligible (i.e. failure to meet the minimum GPA requirement after the term has ended or received a non-passing grade) to progress to the next term or payment period and is required to sit out one or more terms. Since the student completed the current or most recent term, the student is NOT considered withdrawn from the Institution. Instead, the student’s academic studies have been delayed and the student’s status will be designated as “Not Enrolled” for all subsequent terms until the student re-enrolls, officially withdraws, or is administratively withdrawn from the academic program. This definition does not apply to students enrolled in the School of Graduate Studies.

Administrative Withdrawal: (a) The authority to withdraw a student for disciplinary or academic reasons resides with the dean of the school in which the student is enrolled. The dean may delegate this authority to one or more individuals within the school. Any withdrawal initiated by the dean or his/her designee shall be considered an administrative withdrawal. Students who are withdrawn as the result of disciplinary or academic reasons may appeal the withdrawal. During the appeal process, students may or may not be allowed to attend courses at the discretion of the dean or his/her designee. In the case of an appeal, the student’s withdrawal date will be the last date of participation in an academic-related activity. Academic-related activities include, but are not limited to - (a) physically attending a class or clinical instruction where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students; (b) submitting an academic assignment; (c) taking an exam, an interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction; (d) attending a study group that is assigned by the institution; (e) participating in an online discussion about academic matters; and (f) initiating contact with faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studies in the course. (b) The authority to withdraw a student for failure to comply with selected administrative policies and procedures rests with the Registrar. The Registrar may administratively withdraw a student for failure to pay tuition and fees, failure to meet the conditions of provisional acceptance, failure to meet institutional requirements for immunizations, or failure to comply with other policies or regulations for continued enrollment. Any withdrawal initiated by the Registrar shall be considered an administrative withdrawal. Students who are withdrawn by the Registrar may be readmitted, up to the 14th class day, after submitting documentation that verifies their compliance with the administrative policy in question and have approval from the Dean of his/her school to be readmitted.

Leave of Absence: Students wishing to take a temporary break in enrollment, for reasons other than academic, must apply for a leave of absence from the Institution. All Leave of Absence from academic programs must be approved by the Dean or designee. Students wishing to take a leave of absence should meet with the designated office within their school to request approval of such action. If the student’s request for a leave of absence is approved, the school’s designated office must submit a completed Withdrawal Notification Form to the Office of the Registrar within two business days of the date of the student’s request for a leave of absence. The official withdrawal date is the first day of the leave of absence unless the student is granted a special exemption based on the nature and length of the leave and their ability to return during the same academic period and resume studies without incurring any additional financial liability. For enrollment reporting and refund calculation purposes, Leave of Absences will be treated as Withdrawals if the last date of the LOA period extends beyond the end of the term or payment period.


Students withdrawing from the University, for any purpose, should meet with the designated office for their respective schools. The school’s designated office must submit a completed Withdrawal Notification Form to the Office of the Registrar within two business days of the date they received notice that a student has: 1) given official notice of withdrawal, 2) stopped attending without giving official notice, or 3) failed to return from an approved Leave of Absence. The Office of the Registrar will report changes in enrollment statuses and the date the status change occurred to the Offices of Student Financial Aid and Bursar.

These designated school officials will serve as the point of contact for student withdrawals:

  • Allied Health Professions - Dean, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs/Student Affairs
  • Graduate Studies - Dean/Associate Dean
  • Medical School - Associate Dean for Medical Education

Faculty and staff must refer any student who expresses an unequivocal intent to withdraw to the designated office in their school. When a faculty or staff member determines that a student has stopped attending without giving official notice, they should notify the designated office in the student’s school within two business days.

With the approval of the appropriate school official in the School of Allied Health Professions or School of Graduate Studies, students may drop individual courses. Students may not, however, drop all of their courses. Any student who wishes to drop all of his or her courses will cease to be enrolled and must withdraw from the institution.

Students leaving the institution for any reason should contact the Bursar or Student Financial Aid Offices to inquire about tuition and fee refunds.

Policy On Sexual Harassment/Gender Discrimination

LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport (LSUHSC-S) is committed to providing a professional work environment that maintains equality, dignity, and respect for all members of its community. In keeping with this commitment, LSUHS prohibits discriminatory practices, including sexual harassment. Any sexual harassment, whether verbal, physical, or environmental, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. This policy defines sexual harassment and establishes a procedure whereby alleged sexually harassed employees, staff, and students may lodge a complaint immediately.

View full policy at Administrative Directive 2.1.1: Sexual Harassment.

Policy On Student-Teacher Consensual Relations

The integrity of the teacher-student relationship is the foundation of the LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport’s educational mission. This relationship vests considerable trust in the teacher, who, in turn, bears authority and accountability as a mentor, educator, and evaluator. The unequal institutional power inherently vested in the faculty heightens the vulnerability of the student and the potential for coercion. The pedagogical relationship between teacher and student must be protected from influences or activities that can interfere with learning and personal development or create a perception of impropriety. Sexual or amorous relationships between teacher and student create the potential for coercion, jeopardize the integrity of the educational process by creating a conflict of interest and may impair the learning environment for other students. Further, such situations may expose LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport and the teacher to liability for violation of laws against sexual harassment and sex discrimination.

Students are particularly vulnerable to the unequal institutional power inherent in the teacher-student relationship and the potential for coercion, because of their age and position in a high-stakes, highly competitive educational setting. Therefore, no teacher who has any type of faculty appointment shall have a sexual or amorous relationship with any student. Likewise, no graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, or physician in a residency or fellowship training program shall have a sexual or amorous relationship with any student they are currently teaching or supervising. In the case in which a teacher has a relationship that predates the entry of the other partner into LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport schools or residency/post-graduate training, the partner who has the role of teacher must not directly supervise, grade, or evaluate the partner who has the role of student throughout the period of his/her matriculation. Teachers or students with questions about this policy are advised to consult with the department chair, the school’s Dean (or Dean’s designee). If an alleged violation of this policy cannot be resolved satisfactorily at the departmental level, a student may lodge a complaint with the Dean of his/her School or the Dean’s designee. Violations of the above policies by a teacher will normally lead to disciplinary action.

The faculty member’s right of defense and due process shall be as stated in the faculty handbook section 10.3.2. This section covers all rights including those of appeal to the Dean and Chancellor.

For purposes of this policy, “direct supervision” includes the following activities (on or off campus): course teaching, examining, grading, advising for a formal project such as a thesis or research, supervising required research or other academic activities, serving in such a capacity as course or clerkship director, Department Chairperson or Dean, and recommending in an institutional capacity for admissions, employment, fellowships or awards. “Teachers” includes, but is not limited to, all tenured and non-tenured faculty of the University. It also includes graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and physicians in residency and fellowship training programs, with respect to the students they are currently teaching or supervising. “Students” refers to those enrolled in the curriculum of the School of Medicine, School of Graduate Studies, and School of Allied Health. Additionally, this policy applies to members of the LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport community who are not teachers as defined above but have authority over or mentoring relationships with students, including supervisors of student employees, advisors and directors of student organizations, as well as others who advise, mentor, or evaluate students.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

As outlined in Chancellor’s Memorandum 21: Student Rights and Responsibilities, students have rights as guaranteed by the US Constitution and all appropriate federal, state, and local laws. Students have the right to an educational environment free from mistreatment and abuse. Additionally, students have the right to file a complaint without fear of retaliation, ensuring their voices are heard and respected. Students have the responsibility to uphold high standards of academic, professional, and ethical conduct, treat others with respect, abide by the Code of Conduct, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Violations may lead to disciplinary action, both within the university and by external authorities.

Procedure for Addressing Student Complaints

Each of the three schools of LSUHSC-Shreveport has a policy and procedure for addressing student grievances/complaints as follows:

  • School of Allied Health Professions (SAHP) - the student complaint procedure can be found in the section titled Student Complaints and Conduct of the School of Allied Health Professions Student Handbook.
  • School of Graduate Studies (SGS) - the student complaint procedure including a link to the online student complaint form can be found in the School of Graduate Studies Student Handbook.
  • School of Medicine (SOM) - the student complaint procedure including a link to the online student complaint form can be found in the School of Medicine section of the LSUHSC-S Catalog.

Student Health Services

The Occupational/Student Health Clinic provides annual TB skin testing and influenza vaccines for all matriculating students and treats all on-the-job injuries (post-exposure chemoprophylaxis) for both students and employees. 

Occupational/Student Health Clinic

Comp Care Building (A-Building), 3rd floor
Hours of Operation - Monday-Friday, 7:00 am - 4:00 pm closed 12:30 pm - 1:00pm for lunch. 

Medical Illness

Students may visit the Family Medicine Residency clinic (Walk-in clinic) located on the 2nd floor of the Comp Care Building (A-Building). Please call 318.626.0642 for information. This is a billable service. 

Students are encouraged to establish care with a primary care physician for any chronic medical need and for preventative care.  One of the urgent care clinics is located on 3rd floor of Comp Care Building (A-Building) adjacent to the Occupational/Student Health Clinic. Hours of operation are 8:30 am - 3:30 pm. Phone number is 318.626.0050 Reminder: This is a billable service; students must bring ID and insurance care for this service. There are 9 different locations around the Shreveport-Bossier City areas to choose from. 

Student Immunization Requirements

To ensure the health of students, faculty, and staff at LSUHSC-S and to meet requirements based on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and American College Health Association Immunization Guidelines, all incoming students are required to provide documentation of required immunizations prior to start of classes to the Registrar’s office through the University vendor: Certiphi Screening. Students incur no cost to use this portal for uploading their health information. All required health information must be submitted through the MyRecordtracker portal and is reviewed by the vendor’s medical review team. Please note that this must be completed before a student is eligible to enroll at LSU Health Shreveport and be cleared for admission.

Students have access to their immunization record via their MyRecordtracker portal. 

Required Immunizations/Vaccinations:

  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) 2 Shots MMR OR Titer: documentation of 2 MMR vaccines OR a positive antibody titer showing immunity (lab report is required). If negative titer is provided; students must repeat the 2 shot series.
  • Varicella (Chickenpox) 2 Shots of Varicella OR Titer: documentation of 2 Varicella vaccines OR a positive antibody titer showing immunity (lab report is required). History of disease is accepted, but must be documented by a health care practitioner. If the titer provided is negative; students must repeat the 2 shot series.
  • Hepatitis B 3 Shots AND Titer: documentation of 3 HEP B vaccines AND a positive antibody titer showing immunity (lab report is required). If the titer is negative; students must repeat the 3 shot series and provide a new titer. *For students repeating the HEP B series: Once the 1st shot is provided the requirement will be approved and the expiration date will be set for a month later when the second shot is due. Once the 2nd shot is provided the requirement will be completed and the expiration date will be set for 5 months later when the 3rd shot it due. Once the 3rd shot has been provided the requirement will be approved and the expiration date will be set for 1 month later when the final titer is due. Once the final titer is provided the requirement will be marked completed and an indefinite expiration date will be set.
  • Meningococcal Vaccine (MCV): documentation of a Meningococcal vaccine.
  • Tetanus-diphtheria-Acellular pertussis (TDAP): documentation of a TDAP vaccine administered within the last 10 years. If TDAP is older than 10 years, a previous TDAP and a current TD booster must be provided.
  • Tuberculosis 2 Step PPD: documentation of a 2 STEP PPD, Quantiferon TB GOLD test, OR a T-spot. The Quantiferon TB GOLD Test is highly recommended and can be completed in one visit. If results are positive OR you have a history of a positive PPD test then you must provide a negative chest x-ray. Chest x-rays must be within the last 12 months, and the report must be provided. Upon renewal a 1 step PPD is required OR an annual TB questionnaire for students who have a history of positive PPD results and have already provided a clear chest x-ray.
  • Influenza: documentation of a current flu vaccine. 

Student Health Insurance

LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport has a registration requirement that all students must either enroll in the policy endorsed by the school or complete a waiver and provide proof of acceptable insurance coverage by the waiver deadline. Students who do not submit the online waiver form by the deadline will be automatically enrolled in the student health insurance plan and charged the appropriate premium. Since the current student health insurance plan is compliant with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), students should have comparable coverage to the plan that is offered by the University (e.g., aggregate maximum benefit per covered person per policy year should be unlimited). Thus, all waivers submitted must meet the PPACA guidelines in order to be acceptable. Coverage must be maintained throughout the duration of enrollment. Non-compliance at any time during a student’s enrollment could result in suspension and/or dismissal. Information on this plan may be found at http://www.lsuhs.edu/our-schools/registrar/student-health-insurance.

Mental Health Counseling

The Student Mental Health Service provides counseling ranging from short-term problem resolution to more intensive psychotherapy. It can be useful to those with mild difficulty in their lives as well as those with more serious or longstanding problems. Some common reasons for coming to counseling include relationship problems, academic anxieties, feeling unusually sad, irritability, sleep problems, eating problems, having a hard time paying attention, feeling lonely, suicidal thoughts, and worrying too much.

Participation in counseling services is confidential. There is no out-of-pocket expense to matriculating LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport students. Students who are interested in scheduling an appointment can call 318-676-5002. 

Transfer and Prior Learning Assessment Credit Policy

LSUHSC-S ensures the quality of transferred college-level credits, allowing programs to set policies that align with this policy but can be more restrictive. To receive transfer credit, a course must be equivalent to LSUHSC-S offerings or fulfill curriculum requirements, with minimum grade requirements. At least 25% of undergraduate and 33% of graduate or post-baccalaureate professional degree credits must come from LSUHSC-S courses, and credit for prior learning can be considered if it aligns with course outcomes, though it can’t fulfill prerequisites or general education requirements, typically not applying if older than eight years.

View full policy at Transfer and Prior Learning Assessment Credit Policy.