Mar 13, 2025
Manual of Procedure (Revised June 10, 2022) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Article IV. Standing Committees
A. General Provisions of Standing Committees
B. Institution-Wide Committees
- Animal Care and Use Committee
- Committee on Committees
- Diversity Advisory Council
- Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee (School of Medicine and School of Graduate Studies)
- History and Archives Committee
- Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
- Institutional Wellness Committee
- Library Committee
- Communications Committee
- Radiation Safety Committee
- Radioactive Drug Research Committee
- Strategic Planning Steering Committee
- Student Affairs Committee
- Institutional Review Board
C. School of Medicine Standing Committees
- Academic Success Council
- Admissions Committee
- Continuing Medical Education Committee
- Continuous Quality Improvement Committee
- Executive Committee
- Faculty Development Committee
- Medical Curriculum Council
- Professionalism Committee
- Committee for Academic Societies in Student Affairs
D. School of Graduate Studies Standing Committees
- Graduate Advisory Council
- Research Advisory Council (RAC)
E. School of Allied Health Professions Standing Committees
- Academic Affairs Committee
- Clinical Affairs Committee
- Clinical Education Coordination Committee
- Community Outreach and Engagement Committee
- Faculty Development Committee
- Grants and Research Committee
- Interprofessional Education Committee (IPE)
- Promotion and Tenure Committee
- Recruitment and Student Affairs Committee
A. General Provisions of Standing Committees:
The following general provisions shall apply to all standing committees except where otherwise specified in the Manual of Procedure.
- Rights and Responsibilities: Standing committees shall be responsible for recommending policies in their areas of concern; receiving instructions from the Administrative Council, the Elected Faculty Senate, the General Faculty, and other governing bodies; establishing procedures for the conduct of committee business consistent with this Manual of Procedure; and implementing such policies and instructions.
Each standing committee shall:
- Keep the several elements of the university informed of the conditions, policies, and decisions which affect their responsibilities and welfare;
- Marshal the wide range of knowledge and expertise on all subjects available to the university so that it can contribute to decision-making;
- Provide a liaison between officers of the university and other areas of the university, especially the faculty, in order to maintain sound relationships among the members of the university community through consultation, policy review, and exploration of disagreements;
- Bring representatives of the appropriate groups in the university together at an early stage in the process of planning and development of policy and programs;
- Submit permanent records of committee reports to the quarterly General Faculty meetings to be kept in the Office of the Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or applicable school’s Dean’s Office and made available to the faculty upon written request.
- Membership:
- At least two-thirds of the membership of each standing committee shall be members of the General Faculty.
- Each standing committee shall have faculty representatives from the basic sciences, clinical sciences, and/or allied health sciences who have interests or expertise related to the committee’s charges. Persons employed by an LSUHS clinical partner who have relevant interests or expertise may also be nominated and serve as ex-officio (nonvoting) members if specified by the committee’s charter.
- Standing committees shall be appointed annually by the Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and/or the respective dean of each school.
- The Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs shall solicit nominations from the deans of each school and chairs of the department. In addition, members of the General Faculty may self-nominate. The nominations shall be reviewed by the Committee on Committees as outlined in Article IV Section D.2 and approved by the Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and/or the applicable school’s dean.
- Quorum: A quorum shall consist of a majority of voting members (i.e., 50% of voting members plus 1) unless otherwise specified.
- Voting Privileges: Each voting member of a Committee shall have one vote and must be present, to cast that vote, unless otherwise specified, either in person or by approved contemporaneous electronic participation.
- Conduct:
- The Chair shall preside at committee meetings or, if absent, the Vice-Chair shall preside or may delegate this responsibility to another member of the committee.
- Each committee may establish subcommittees as needed.
- The committee may request the Committee on Committees to replace an elected or appointed committee member for the remainder of a dismissed member’s term.
- Agenda and Minutes:
- An agenda for each committee meeting shall be prepared by the Chair.
- The agenda, minutes of the previous meeting, and supporting materials shall be distributed to committee members at least 7 days in advance of the meeting.
- Any member of a committee may have an item placed on the agenda by submitting a written request to the chair ten days in advance of the meeting.
- Officers
- Each committee shall have a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary, and such other officers as may be designated by the appointing authority.
- Officers must hold a faculty position.
- In the absence of any designation, the committee shall elect its own officers. Nominations for these positions may be made by voting committee members (not ex officio members) or voting members may self-nominate. A simple majority vote by the voting committee membership will determine these officers.
- The Secretary of the committee shall be responsible for taking and compiling the minutes of each committee meeting and submitting them to the committee chair and to the provost’s or appropriate dean’s office. The committee Secretary will also compile the committee reports submitted to the Chancellor’s office prior to General Faculty meetings so that they may be published to the General Faculty.
- The vice-chair will be responsible for conducting a scheduled committee meeting if the chair is unable to do so.
- Reports
- Standing Committees shall post reports to the LSUHSC-S intranet prior to each General Faculty meeting. A committee shall also report on their own initiative, or on request of the faculty, the Administrative Council, the Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, or the applicable school’s dean.
- Special committees shall report in writing as requested by their appointing authority. A special committee may also report its progress on its own initiative.
B. Institution-Wide Committees
Animal Care and Use Committee
- Purpose: To provide oversight of the care and use of the animals utilized in research, teaching, and testing at LSUHSC-S.
- Source of Authority: Vice Chancellor for Research as the Institutional Official
- Responsibilities are to:
- Review the institution’s program for humane care and use of animals at least once every six months, using The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals as a basis for evaluations;
- Inspect all LSUHSC-S animal facilities (including satellite facilities) at least once every six months;
- Prepare reports of ACUC evaluations conducted as required by Public Health Service (PHS) Policies and regulations issued by the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) under the Animal Welfare Act. These reports shall identify major and minor deficiencies in the program and provide a reasonable and specific plan and schedule for corrections;
- Review/investigate concerns involving the care and use of animals at LSUHSC-S (and any satellite facilities) raised by the public or institutional personnel;
- Make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for Research as the Institutional Official regarding any aspect of LSUHSC-S animal programs, facilities, or personnel training;
- Review and approve, require modification in (to secure approval) or withhold approval of those components of activities related to the care and use of animals as specified in PHS Policy, the Animal Welfare Act, and Animal Welfare Act Regulations (AWARs);
- Review and approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or withhold approval of proposed significant changes regarding the use of animals in ongoing activities;
- Suspend an activity or protocol involving animals with a majority vote of convened quorum and report suspensions to the appropriate regulatory entity and federal funding agency.
- Membership: Membership and Chair shall be appointed by Institutional Official per federal requirements. 21 Members consisting of 12 members of the General faculty, the Director of Animal Resources and another attending veterinarian, 2 nonaffiliated, non-scientist members, 1 non-affiliated scientist member, the IACUC committee coordinator, and representatives from the Office of Safety Services, Information Services, Office of Special Programs and Technology Transfer, and the IACUC Committee Coordinator.
- Meetings and Minutes:
- Meetings: The committee shall meet monthly to conduct business and shall meet two additional times per year at 6-month intervals to conduct a semi-annual inspection and program review. The chair can also call additional meetings as needs arise.
- Minutes: Minutes and committee reports are submitted to the Institutional Official.
Committee on Committees
- Purpose: The Committee on Committees shall be responsible for recommending to the Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or applicable school’s dean the persons to serve on the standing committees, with the exception that faculty of the standing committees of the School of Allied Health Professions shall be chosen by the school’s dean in consultation with the President of the Delegate Assembly as shown in Article III, section G.
- Source of Authority: Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, applicable school’s dean.
- Responsibilities are to:
- Make annual recommendations on the membership of those committees;
- Advise the Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the applicable deans concerning membership criteria, number of members, length of membership terms, and charges of the standing committees;
- Ensure that all committee positions are filled with the required number of eligible members;
- Provide oversight of all standing committee nominations and recommendations.
- Membership: The overall membership of the Committee on Committees shall consist of 9 members of the general faculty cross representing departments and disciplines.
- Meetings: The Committee on Committees shall meet at least once during each academic year. Additional meetings can be called by the Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the committee chair, the applicable school’s dean, or by petition by one-third of the membership of the committee.
Diversity Advisory Council
- Purpose: The Diversity Advisory Council (DAC) is an internal LSU Health Shreveport advisory body established by the Office of Diversity Affairs to advise the office on promising practices, programs, and policies. The development of this council is an opportunity to demonstrate LSU Health Shreveport’s shared decision-making process regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) activities.
- Source of Authority: Chancellor
Responsibilities are to:
- Increase awareness and appreciation for cultural and personal differences;
- Promoting equity, equality, inclusion, and unity in our learning and workspaces;
- Provide critical input in the annual DEI climate assessment and quality improvement;
- Identify and communicate DEI concerns to the Assistant Vice-Chancellor (AVC) for Diversity Affairs;
- Support diversity initiatives across the three schools (e.g., Medical, Graduate Research Studies, and School of Allied Health) and provide feedback on their effectiveness.
- Membership:
- The DAC will be composed of LSU Health Shreveport students, residents, fellows, faculty, and staff. It will use best efforts to represent of all three schools (e.g., race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic and military status.) The DAC will consist of no more than 25 active voting members with a term limit not to exceed three years.
- Member selection is through completion of the DAC online application
- DAC Officers will be elected annually by a majority vote of the DAC members to serve in the capacity of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary.
- DAC Officers who have served a complete term must wait two additional years before reapplying as a SDAC Officer.
- Student’s level of course work or clinical training may determine the extent of their participation or continued membership on the DAC.
- Non-Voting Members: Assistant Vice-Chancellor for Diversity Affairs (ex-officio)
- Meetings, Quorum, Agenda, and Minutes
- Meetings:
- Members are expected to arrive on time and stay for the entire meeting. Attendance by members through video-teleconference and/or telephonic media may be permitted at the discretion of the Chairperson. A member who misses three consecutive meetings must have a majority vote of the DAC to maintain membership.
- A member who misses four consecutive meetings will be removed from the DAC. Members who consistently miss meetings in violation of this clause or otherwise fail to fulfill the duties of their role as a member of the DAC, may also be removed by a majority vote.
- The minimum number of members in attendance necessary for the DAC to hold meetings and make recommendations is 50 percent of the membership.
- Regular meetings will be held at a time and place to be determined by the DAC.
- Notice of the time and place of a meeting will be relayed via e-mail to each DAC member at least 30 days prior to the meeting.
- The Chairperson will review the previous meeting’s minutes with the DAC at the subsequent meeting. After any edits are noted, the minutes will be approved. Minutes will exclude the names of employees contributing to discussion during the open forum; however, for follow-up purposes, the DAC will maintain a confidential record of the names of individuals raising DEI issues. Minutes will be provided to members at least one week prior to the next meeting. All members should review the minutes in advance and have comments prepared for the meeting. Members may also submit their comments in advance to allow the secretary time to revise and finalize minutes prior to the scheduled DAC meeting.
- Quorum and Voting: 50% of the voting members + 1. If no majority is reached, the Chairperson will table the issue until the next meeting, at which time another vote will take place. The rationale for the recommendation shall be documented in writing.
- Minutes: The Chairperson will review the previous meeting’s minutes with the DAC at the subsequent meeting. After any edits are noted, the minutes will be approved. Minutes will exclude the names of employees contributing to discussion during the open forum; however, for follow-up purposes, the DAC will maintain a confidential record of the names of individuals raising DEI issues. Minutes will be provided to members at least one week prior to the next meeting. All members should review the minutes in advance and have comments prepared for the meeting. Members may also submit their comments in advance to allow the secretary time to revise and finalize minutes prior to the scheduled DAC meeting.
- Member Responsibilities
- Attendance at all meetings is mandatory for every member unless participation by telephone has been approved by the Chairperson (e.g., videoconference or teleconference) or the absence is approved in advance.
- General topics discussed at DAC meetings may be disclosed to non-DAC members; however, specific information regarding individuals who have raised DEI issues to the DAC are confidential and must not be disclosed outside DAC meeting, unless required by law or institutional policies.
- All meeting topics should relate to addressing systemic institutional issues regarding DEI, student achievement, success, and engagement, faculty development, and staff.
- DAC meetings are not the place for discussing personal or personnel matters.
- Officer Responsibilities
- Chairperson:
- Serves a one-year term;
- Provides a written agenda in advance of scheduled meetings;
- Leads or delegates the running of all meetings;
- Serves as a liaison between the DAC and AVC for Diversity Affairs.
- Vice-Chairperson (align with chairperson):
- Serves a one-year term as Vice-Chairperson;
- Assumes the role of Chairperson and conducts meetings when the Chairperson is unavailable;
- Tracks progress of action items and assignments of DAC members;
- Functions as directed by the Chairperson to assist in the efficient operation of the DAC.
- Secretary:
- Serves a one-year term;
- Preparation of notices for all meetings;
- Ordering of lunch;
- Submits draft meeting minutes to DAC members after each meeting, no later than one week prior to the next meeting, and revise and finalize minutes prior to the meeting;
- Maintains current listing of members;
- Finalizes minutes after DAC meetings discussion; and
- Ensures notices are disseminated and posted for meetings and events supported by the DAC.
Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee (School of Medicine and School of Graduate Studies)
- Purpose: The Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee shall review and assess the academic credentials for initial appointment of faculty, reappointment, and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor or Professor, with or without tenure, of faculty in the School of Medicine and School of Graduate Studies.
- Source of Authority: Chancellor, Dean of the School of Medicine, and Dean of the School of Graduate Studies.
- Responsibilities are to:
- Review the credentials of faculty whose appointments are proposed at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor;
- Review applications for promotion of faculty to the rank of Associate Professor or Professor;
- Review the credentials of eligible faculty for tenure;
- Make recommendations regarding appointments, promotions, and tenure to the applicable schools’ Deans, Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Elected Faculty Council, and Chancellor.
- Membership: The committee shall consist of 12 members holding the rank of Professor and one ex-officio member (the Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs who only serves to assist in the event of a tie vote). The committee shall have one subcommittee for Basic Science and one subcommittee for Clinical Science. Members shall be assigned to the subcommittee representing their fields of science with the duty to evaluate credentials for appointments, promotion, and tenure, and to make recommendations to the full committee for the final vote. The chairs of each subcommittee shall act as co-chairs for the full committee.
- Meetings, Quorum and Voting, and Agenda:
- Meetings: The Committee shall meet as needed to review advanced rank appointments of new faculty and annually to complete the promotion and tenure application review process.
- Quorum and Voting: All members shall attend the annual meeting for final voting on promotion and tenure applications. All members shall review any new hire advanced faculty appointment and submit their votes. These matters may be handled without the necessity of a formal meeting. Members of the committee shall be required to recuse and absent themselves from deliberation and vote when the committee considers the appointment, promotion, or tenure of faculty in their department.
- Agenda: An agenda for each meeting shall be prepared by the Office of the Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
History and Archives Committee
- Purpose: The History and Archives Committee shall function as an advisory panel to support and assist LSUHSC-S faculty, staff, and students in matters pertaining to the preservation of the history of the health sciences center.
- Source of Authority: Chancellor and applicable school’s Deans
- Responsibilities are to:
- Advise institution on matters regarding the preservation of material and artifacts in the history of the health sciences center.
- Gathering, assembling, maintaining, and restoring records, photographs, and historical memorabilia related to the institution.
- Membership: 1 chair + 13 voting members; 2 ex-officio, non-voting members (Executive Director of Medical Communications, Institutional Archivist)
- Meetings: Meetings are conducted biannually.
Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
- Purpose: The LSUHSC-S Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) shall review research activities and protocols for biological safety and chemical safety to ensure compliance with NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA (rDNA, NIH Guidelines), regardless of the source of support for the research.
- Source of Authority: Vice-Chancellor for Research as the Institutional Official
- Responsibilities are to:
- Develop institutional policy for the safe use, handling, and storage of hazardous chemical and biological materials;
- Advise the Institution/Investigators on policies involving biologically and chemically hazardous materials;
- Develop standard operating procedures for research with biologically and chemically hazardous materials;
- Advise the Department of Animal Resources on safe practices for work involving the use of biologically and chemically hazardous materials;
- Certify to granting agencies as required that facilities, procedures, practices, and the training and expertise of personnel handling biologically and chemically hazardous material have been reviewed and approved by the Committee;
- Review reports of safety hazards in LSUHSC-S laboratories from the LSUHSC-S Office of Safety Services;
- Supervise institutional educational workshops, seminars, materials and programs regarding biological and chemical safety, hazards, and security;
- Review protocols, annual updates, memos, and other materials submitted to the IBC;
- Review, approve and oversee research using recombinant DNA to ensure compliance with NIH Guidelines;
- Set Biosafety containment levels 1, 2, or 3 for laboratories.
- Make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for Research or Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research Management concerning the biohazards program;
- Conduct investigations of significant problems or violations of biological safety regulations. Following each investigation, communicate resolution recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for Research, the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research Management, the Principal Investigator’s Department Chairperson, and the Dean. If necessary due to non-compliance, the IBC may establish punitive measures, including suspension or lab closure, when necessary to safeguard employees, the public, and the environment;
- Periodically review the LSUHSC-S Laboratory Safety Manual and update it and the IBC Charter as needed;
- Provide oversight of select agents review protocols using them as required under the Select Agents Program of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and/or “Dual Use Items” under NIH Guidelines and export control regulations of the Department of Commerce;
- Communicate information to other assurance committees (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Institutional Review Board, Radiation Safety);
- Report the IBC’s activities to the General Faculty at meetings.
- Membership:
- A minimum of six faculty members with experience and expertise in rDNA technology, work with pathogenic agents, and the capability to assess the safety of this type of research and to identify any potential risk to public health or the environment;
- An expert in each of the following areas: animals (preferably an Attending Veterinarian), genetics, microorganisms, recombinant DNA, and safety services. Ad hoc consultants as deemed necessary may be added by the Vice Chancellor for Research or designee to obtain the required expertise;
- The Director of Safety (Biosafety Officer [BSO]);
- If recombinant DNA research involving plants is proposed, at least one individual with expertise in plant, plant pathogen, or plant pest containment principles;
- If recombinant DNA research involving human subjects is proposed, at least one individual who has adequate experience and training in the field of human gene transfer;
- Two committee members not affiliated with LSUHSC-S to represent the interest of the surrounding community with respect to public health and environmental protection;
- One representative of the Office of Research (Record Keeping, Nonvoting).
- Meetings, Voting, Agenda, and Minutes:
- Meetings: The IBC meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Additional meetings may be called by the chair of the committee for expedited reviews. If there are no new protocols to review, the committee may, at the chair’s discretion, vote on agenda items by email. The IBC shall meet in person or through virtual live meetings no less than once a quarter.
- Voting: The IBC approves agenda items by a majority vote of the membership during the meeting. Any member with a conflict of interest shall be recused from voting and the minutes shall reflect this fact.
- Agenda and Minutes: Agenda and minutes shall be prepared by the Biosafety Committee Coordinator, reviewed and edited by the chair, and distributed by the coordinator in advance of each meeting by emailing the members of the committee.
- Subcommittees of the Institutional Biosafety Committee:
- Recombinant DNA Advisory Subcommittee (RAC): A Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC) subcommittee of the IBC shall be appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Research or designee minimally consisting of five members and a Chair to ensure the safe and proper conduct of experiments involving administration of recombinant DNA in human subjects. Two members of the subcommittee must not be affiliated with LSUHSC-S. The Chair of the subcommittee shall determine if a protocol containing recombinant DNA is exempt or non-exempt status as per the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules. The sub-committee makes recommendations and reports to the full IBC. Members of the RAC sub-committee and members of the full IBC shall vote on these agenda items.
- Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) Subcommittee: The Biosafety-Level 3 (BSL-3) Subcommittee within the LSUHSC-S IBC shall consist of the IBC Chairperson, the Emerging Viral Threat Laboratory Director of Viral Genomics and Surveillance, Director of the Safety Office or Biological Safety Officer, Director of Animal Resources, all principal investigators with active protocols using BSL-3 and/or Select Agents. In the event no BSL-3 expertise is present, a microbiologist with BSL-2 expertise may be appointed. The chairperson shall be the Emerging Viral Threat Laboratory Director of Viral Genomics and Surveillance. The Director of the Office of Safety Services
who shall serve as the Select Agent Program Responsible Official. The BSL-3 subcommittee shall review protocols and agenda items that require operating at BSL-3 and make recommendations to the full IBC. Members of the BSL-3 subcommittee and members of the full biosafety committee shall vote on BSL-3 agenda items. The BSL-3 subcommittee chair prepares and reviews the Select Agent Program and ensures compliance with state and federal laws, with input from the BSL-3 sub-committee.
- Ad-hoc committees or subcommittees, standing or special, shall be appointed by the Chair of the committee as deemed necessary to carry out the work of the committee. The Chairs of the ad-hoc committees shall be ex-officio members of all other biosafety committees.
Institutional Wellness Committee
- Purpose: The purpose of the Institutional Wellness Committee shall assess, plan, and prioritize LSUHSC-S activities that will build a workplace environment that is supportive of living a healthy lifestyle.
- Source of Authority: Chancellor
- Responsibilities are to:
- Provide recommendation and implementation of activities to increase awareness on various health topics (e.g., healthy eating, physical activity, mental health, mindfulness, stress relief, etc.).
- Provide recommendation and implementation of activities that will help to build the required skills to maintain a healthy lifestyle. (e.g., fitness classes, fitness challenges, cooking classes, etc.).
- Provide suggestions on policy recommendations on new and innovative health topics and ideas.
- Provide awareness of opportunities to improve health provided by LSUHSC-S (screenings, wellness programs and initiatives)
- Build strong partnerships with various stakeholders who can help facilitate health management (e.g., HR, LSU First Insurance).
- Continuously evaluate and improve upon the delivery of the wellness program through use of evidence-based methods.
- Membership:
- Assistant Vice Chancellor for Institutional Wellness will serve as the chair.
- Less than 2/3 of the members will consist of faculty members in order to have equal representation from the former LSUHSC-S Care Team (representation from School of Medicine, School of Graduate Studies, and School of Allied Health Professions faculty and students, Resident representation, Staff representation, Mental Health representation).
- The Vice Chancellor for External Affairs/Chief of Staff and the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Institutional Wellness will recommend members every two years to the Committee on Committees for appointment.
- Assistant Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement and representatives from IT, PR, and Finance will serve as ad hoc members.
- The Vice Chancellor for External Affairs/Chief of Staff will serve as an ex officio member.
- Meetings, Quorum, Agenda, and Minutes:
- Meetings: Minimum three times a year with additional meetings called as the chair deems necessary.
- Quorum: A quorum shall consist of a majority of voting members (i.e., 50% of voting members plus 1).
- Agenda and Minutes: The agenda, minutes of the previous meeting, and supporting materials shall be distributed to committee members at least 7 days in advance of the meeting. Any member of a committee may have an item placed on the agenda by submitting a written request to the chair ten days in advance of the meeting.
Library Committee
- Purpose: The Medical Library Committee shall serve as an advisory committee to both steer and determine policies, long-term projects, and to offer suggestions from faculty members and students.
- Source of Authority: Chancellor
- Responsibilities are to:
- Advise the Chancellor, Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and Deans regarding needed changes and improvements;
- Provide advice, support, and liaison for the faculty, students, and departments on matters of the role of the Library in academic learning, budgeting, collection development, bibliographic instruction, reference services, etc.;
- Ensure the library is connected with and supports LSUHSC-S academic programs;
- Participate in strategic visioning and goal setting of the library.
- Membership: 17 (including the chair) (Membership of committee may change from year-to-year as availability/expertise dictates)
- Meetings, Quorum, Agenda, and Minutes:
- Meetings: Bi-annually or as need arises;
- Quorum and Voting: Standard 2/3 of attendees;
- Agenda and Minutes: Agenda is constructed as a collaborative effort between the Library Committee Chair & Executive Director of the Library. Minutes are recorded by a library staff member and shared with the Library Committee Chair for review. Finalized minutes are shared with the entire committee at the next meeting and approved after a vote.
Communications Committee
- Purpose: The Communications Committee shall function as an advisory panel to support and assist LSUHSC-S faculty, staff, and students in matters pertaining to the production of medical media.
- Source of Authority: Chancellor and applicable school’s Deans
- Responsibilities are to:
- Advise institution-wide communication media to assure proper and relevant content;
- Recommend appropriate technologies used to produce medical media;
- Identify and promote examples of excellence found in the institution as a means of encouraging continuous pursuit of excellence.
- Membership: 1 chair + 13 voting members; 4 ex-officio, non-voting members.
- Meetings: Meetings are conducted as needed.
Radiation Safety Committee
- Purpose: The LSUHSC-S Radiation Safety Committee controls and supervises projects utilizing ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and/or radioactive materials at LSUHSC-S by ensuring the proper and safe use of radioisotopes and other sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and radioactive materials, excluding the medical units associated with the Ochsner/LSUHSC-S Health Care Services Divisions.
- Source of Authority: LSU PM-30 and Louisiana State University Radiation Safety Committee
- Responsibilities are to:
- Approve personnel: supervising investigators desiring to use registered/regulated radioactive, ionizing or non-ionizing materials, including ensuring /the proper training or experience of the investigators;
- Approve procurement: requisitions for licensed radioactive materials and registered/regulated ionizing and non-ionizing radiation sources;
- Approve projects: all academic programs, research and development projects, and other University activities involving ionizing or non-ionizing radiation and radioactive materials;
- Approve Facilities and Radiation Monitoring Equipment: the suitability of facilities and radiation monitoring equipment for all LSUHSC-S activities requiring ionizing or non-ionizing radiation or radioactive materials;
- Ensure adherence to OSHA Regulations Pertaining to Ionizing Radiation: all LSUHSC-S activities falling within the purview of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Section 1910.96, entitled “Ionizing Radiation”;
- Ensure adherence to Regulations Pertaining to Non-Ionizing Radiation: all LSUHSC-S activities falling with the purview of the LSU System NonIonizing Radiation Safety Procedure.
- Membership:
- Non-Voting Members (Ex-Officio):
- The Campus Radiation Safety Officer shall be chosen by the Director of Safety Services with approval by the campus Chancellor. This individual shall be selected by external candidates or internal faculty or staff with appropriate education and knowledge of the fields of radiation operations and safety.
- The Assurance Committee Administrator
- The Animal Care Representative shall be appointed by the Director of the Animal Care Facility. The Animal Care Representative will be responsible for ensuring that the welfare and use of animals and those employees who handle these animals are within the guidelines of Animal Care and Use Committee.
- Voting Members:
- The Chair of the Campus Radiation Safety Committee shall be appointed from the General Faculty by the Chancellor and/or Vice Chancellor for Research. The Chair of the Campus Radiation Safety Committee shall serve as a representative on the LSU System Radiation Safety Committee.
- At least three faculty representatives with knowledge of radiation safety and proper use of radioactive and ionizing and non-ionizing radiation materials shall be appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Research or the Chair of the Campus Radiation Safety Committee.
- A community representative with knowledge and/or work experience in medical physics shall be appointed by the Chancellor and/or Vice Chancellor for Research.
- Meetings, Voting, Agenda, and Minutes:
- Meetings: The Campus Radiation Safety Committee shall meet no less than three times per year. Meetings can be held in person or by teleconference, videoconference, or email.
- Voting: Approvals shall be passed with at least 50% agreement after polling of the voting membership.
- Agenda and Minutes: The Chair of the Campus Radiation Safety Committee and the Campus Radiation Safety Officer shall oversee assembling the meeting agenda. The Assurance Committees Administrator and the Chair of the Campus Radiation Committee shall oversee preparing the committee minutes. The Assurance Committees Administrator shall oversee distributing the meeting agenda and minutes to committee members.
- Reporting:
- The Campus Radiation Safety Committee shall report to the General Faculty at least annually and submit meeting agendas and minutes to the Office of Research/Vice Chancellor for Research.
Radioactive Drug Research Committee
- Purpose: The Radioactive Drug Research Committee (RDRC) reviews the experimental use of radioactive substances in humans.
- Source of Authority: Chancellor
- Responsibilities are to: Review research projects designed to obtain basic information regarding metabolism (e.g., Kinetics, distribution, and localization), human physiology, pathophysiology, or biochemistry of the radio labeled substance. RDRC review is not applicable to clinical trials, which determine therapeutic effectiveness, diagnostic efficacy, or as a clinical tool in research projects for other purposes.
- Membership: 1 chair + 9 voting members; 1 ex-officio, non-voting member
- Meetings, Agenda, and Minutes:
- Meetings: Meetings shall occur on an ad hoc basis.
- Agenda and Minutes: Agenda and minutes shall be prepared by the committee’s coordinator, reviewed and edited by the committee’s chair, and distributed to the members of the committee by the chair via email in advance of each meeting.
Strategic Planning Steering Committee
- Purpose: The Strategic Planning Steering Committee advises the chancellor on the strategic direction and priorities of the institution
- Source of Authority: Chancellor
- Responsibilities are to:
- Determine goals and objectives to measure progress toward achieving the Strategic Plan;
- Identify challenges or opportunities based on regular assessments of the internal and external environments;
- Revise and update the Strategic Plan at regular intervals and as new opportunities present themselves;
- Propose budget priorities aligned with Strategic Plan;
- Monitor and report on the outcomes and goals of the Strategic Plan;
- Provides annual reports to the university community on implementation of the Strategic Plan, including outcomes and resource allocation.
- Membership:
- Chancellor
- Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
- Vice Chancellor for Clinical Affairs
- Vice Chancellor for Clinical Affairs at Monroe
- Vice Chancellor for Research
- Vice Chancellor for External Affairs
- Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance
- Associate Vice Chancellor for Clinical Affairs
- Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
- Assistant Vice Chancellor for Diversity Affairs
- Dean, School of Medicine
- Dean, School of Allied Health Professions
- Dean, School of Graduate Studies
- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs - School of Medicine
- Executive Director of Institutional Planning, Effectiveness, and Accreditation
- Executive Director of Communications and Public Affairs
- Executive Director of Facilities Planning
- Chief Counsel
- President of LSUHS Foundation
- Vice President for Academic - OLHS
- Meetings, Quorum, Agenda, and Minutes:
- Meetings: The Strategic Planning Steering Committee shall meet quarterly with at least four meetings occurring each year
- Quorum and Voting: A quorum shall be constituted when a minimum of 50% plus one voting members are present for Strategic Planning Steering Committee business. A simple majority of voting members present is necessary to decide any action by the Strategic Planning Steering Committee.
- Agenda and Minutes: The agenda shall be distributed electronically on or before the day of each meeting. Printed copies shall be available at each meeting. Meeting minutes shall be made available within seven days following the meeting.
Student Affairs Committee
- Purpose: The Student Affairs Committee shall review, advise, and make policy recommendations on matters related to student personal and professional development, including financial aid, student health and wellness and safety, including personal advising and academic and career counseling. The committee also shall provide students with advice and support for extracurricular and community involvement, social events, and ceremonies.
- Source of Authority: Vice Chancellor and Provost
- Responsibilities are to: Consider matters relating to student welfare that are raised by students or faculty. After discussion and further research by the committee, it shall decide whether new/altered policy or practice is needed and shall make recommendations to the appropriate office(s).
- Membership:
- 4 School of Medicine Faculty members;
- 2 Allied Health Professions Faculty members;
- 2 Graduate School Faculty members;
- 11 student representatives: 8 Medical School (two elected from each class by students); 2 Allied Health Professions (President and one other officer of the AH SGA); and 1 Graduate School (appointed by the Graduate Student Council)];
- Representatives from the Offices of Student Affairs, Schools of Allied Health Professions, and Medical School (Associate Dean, Director, or Coordinator) shall be ex officio, non-voting members of the committee.
- Subcommittees: The Chair of the Student Affair Committee may establish subcommittees to address specific issues, which may include a subcommittee on Student Health and Wellness and a subcommittee on Student Advising and Counseling. Chairs of these subcommittees shall be appointed by the Chair of the Student Affairs Committee and shall be members of the Student Affairs Committee, but faculty not participating in the Student Affairs Committee may be recruited to subcommittees as needed.
- Meetings, Agenda, and Minutes:
- Meetings: Meetings shall be twice annually, with additional meetings of the entire Committee or subcommittees as required.
- Agenda and Minutes: An agenda for the upcoming meeting and minutes of the previous meeting shall be provided by the Chair by email to members the week before a given meeting.
Institutional Review Board
- Purpose: The LSUHSC-S Institutional Review Board provides initial and continuing review of all research activities involving human subjects to ensure the rights, safety, and welfare of all human subjects research participants.
- Source of Authority: Institutional Official
- Membership:
- The IRB shall have at least five members, with varying backgrounds to promote complete and adequate review of research activities commonly conducted at LSU Health Shreveport. The IRB shall be sufficiently qualified through experience and expertise of its members (professional competence), and diversity of its members, including race, gender, and cultural backgrounds and sensitivity to such issues as community attitudes, to promote respect for its advice and counsel in safeguarding the rights and welfare of human subjects. The IRB shall be able to ascertain the acceptability of proposed research in terms of institutional commitments (including policies and resources) and regulations, applicable law, and standards of professional conduct and practice. The IRB shall therefore include persons knowledgeable in these areas. The IRB regularly reviews research that involves a category of subjects that is vulnerable to coercion or undue influence, such as children, prisoners, individuals with impaired decision making capacity, or economically or educationally disadvantaged persons; therefore, whenever possible one or more individuals who are knowledgeable about and experienced in working with these categories of subjects is included in the IRB membership.
- At least one member who primary concerns are in scientific areas and at least one member whose primary concerns are in nonscientific areas.
- At least one member who is not otherwise affiliated with the institution and who is not part of the immediate family of a person who is affiliated with the institution.
- No IRB member may participate in the IRB’s initial or continuing review of any project in which the member has a conflicting interest, except to provide information requested by the IRB.
- The IRB may, in its discretion, invite individuals with competence in special areas to assist in the review of issues that require expertise beyond or in addition to that available on the IRB. These individuals may not vote with the IRB.
- Responsibilities: The IRB shall:
- Have access to meeting space and sufficient staff to support the IRB’s review and recording duties;
- Prepare and maintain a current list of IRB members identified by name; earned degrees; representative capacity; indications of experience such as board certifications or licenses sufficient to describe each member’s chief anticipated contributions to IRB deliberations; and any employment or other relationship between each member and the institution, for example, fulltime employee, part-time employee, member of governing panel or board, stockholder, paid or unpaid consultant;
- Establish and follow written procedures for:
- Conducting its initial and continuing review and for reporting its findings and actions to the investigator and the institution;
- Determining which projects require review more often than annually and which projects need verification from sources other than the investigators that no material changes have occurred since previous IRB review; and
- Ensuring prompt reporting to the IRB of proposed changes in a research activity, and for ensuring that investigators will conduct the research activity in accordance with the terms of the IRB approval until any proposed changes have been reviewed and approved by the IRB, except when necessary to eliminate apparent immediate harm to the subject.
- Establish and follow written procedures for ensuring prompt reporting to the IRB; appropriate institutional officials; the department or agency head; and the Office for Human Research Protections, HHS, or any successor office, or the equivalent office within the appropriate federal department of
- Any unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects or others or any serious or continuing noncompliance with the Common Rule or the requirements or determinations of the IRB; and
- Any suspension or termination of IRB approval.
- Except when an expedited review procedure is used, the IRB must review proposed research at convened meetings at which a majority of the members of the IRB are present, including at least one member whose primary concerns are in nonscientific areas. For the research to be approved, it shall receive the approval of a majority of those member’s present at the meeting.
C. School of Medicine Standing Committees
Academic Success Council
Purpose: The Academic Success Council (ASC) has the responsibility to monitor academic performance and professionalism for medical students, assist them with academic and professional issues, and make recommendations regarding a student’s promotion, remediation, probation, suspension, or dismissal. The ASC also maintains direct responsibility for academic actions, such as involuntary leave of absence, suspension, dismissals and return to registration from leave of absence, and decisions on student appeals of such actions.
Source of Authority: Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
Responsibilities are to:
Meet monthly to assess students who qualify as academically at-risk, based on exam and quiz scores near or below the lowest pass score, and recommend action(s) to increase academic success. Assessment may include a comprehensive review of student records and information from the Office of Student Affairs that could be pertinent to academic performance, for example, student-reported family or health issues. Actions may include notification of course or clerkship directors to allow timely support to be put in place when needed, such as requiring students to meet with the Learning Specialist or attend peer tutoring.
Monitor a student’s conduct upon reports from faculty and instructors of behavior that is unprofessional but not in direct violation of the Student Code of Conduct. If the Council deems that the student’s conduct should be addressed, appropriate documentation will be sent to the Professionalism Committee with a recommendation that the student appear before the Committee.
Place students on Involuntary Leave of Absence as required for academic reasons. The ASC will determine the educational requirements needed for the student to continue in medical school (e.g., remediation or repeat of coursework), and may determine the length of the leave of absence and the conditions to be fulfilled prior to a return from leave. All decisions by the ASC are final, subject to modification only upon a positive outcome of a student appeal to the Dean of the School of Medicine.
Decide whether students are eligible for continued matriculation based on academic and professional performance.
Review MS4 medical student academic records to ensure they have successfully completed all requirements for graduation and forward recommendations for graduation to the Dean of the Medical School as well as to the General Faculty, who will vote to submit the candidates based on this recommendation
Coordinate with the Office of Student Affairs to hear student appeals of academic policy outcomes, including repeating clerkships, courses, or modules, involuntary leave of absence, and dismissal. Decisions of the ASC regarding such student appeals are final, subject only to modification based on positive outcome of student appeal to the Dean of the School of Medicine.
Membership: The ASC Chair shall be appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs in consultation with the Dean and Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for a four-year renewable term. The chair will vote only in cases of a tie. The council will be composed of 13 voting faculty and staff members.
Five pre-clerkship faculty;
Five clerkship faculty;
Director of Student Affairs;
Director of Clerkship Skills
Pre-clerkship and clerkship faculty members will serve a two-year term, with the opportunity for renewal of the appointment for an additional two years. Nominations for pre-clerkship and clerkship faculty members to the ASC must be approved by the MCC.
Ex Officio:
Director of Academic Affairs
Associate Dean for Admissions
School of Medicine Financial Aid Officer
School of Medicine Registrar
Course and Clerkship Directors, as needed
Learning Specialist
With the exception of the Director of Academic Affairs and Learning Specialist, Ex Officio members are not required to attend every meeting, however, attendance is required when deemed appropriate by the Council Chair. Other individuals may attend meetings by invitation of the Chair.
Meetings, Quorum, Agenda, and Minutes:
Meetings: The ASC shall meet every second Thursday of the month. If an academic appeal is submitted after the second Thursday or a simple majority of voting members is unavailable for a regular meeting, the chair may call an additional meeting.
Quorum and Voting: A quorum shall be constituted when a minimum of 50% plus one voting members are present for Academic Success Council business. A simple majority of voting members is necessary for any action by the ASC.
Agenda and Minutes: The agenda shall be distributed electronically on or before the day of each meeting. Printed copies shall be available at each meeting. Meeting minutes shall be made available on the Monday following the meeting. Due to the sensitive and confidential information that may be contained therein, minutes shall not be distributed electronically. Minutes will be reviewed and approved by a simple majority of voting members at the start of each meeting.
Appeals Subcommittee
Source of Authority: Academic Success Council
- Responsibilities are to: Confidentially hear and discuss appeals of academic decisions or policies resulting in a student’s dismissal from medical school, leave of absence from medical school, requirement to remediate or repeat courses, clerkships or academic years, and to make decisions regarding such appeals.
- Membership: Pre-clerkship and clerkship members will serve a two-year term, with the opportunity for renewal of the appointment for an additional two years. These members must also serve on Academic Success Council. Members are selected by the Chair.
Four Pre-Clerkship Faculty
Four Clerkship Faculty
Director of Clinical Skills
Director of Student Affairs
Director of Academic Affairs
Pre-Clinical Curriculum Coordinator
Clinical Curriculum Coordinator
Learning Specialist
Subcommittee members who assigned a student’s failing grade or are directly involved in the process leading to the student’s appeal may be present to discuss such aspects of the appeal, but must recuse themselves when the student presents the appeal and when the committee takes the final vote.
Meetings, Quorum, and Minutes:
Meetings: The subcommittee will meet only to hear cases of academic appeal immediately after the monthly meeting adjourns. If an academic appeal is submitted before the second Thursday, or a simple majority of voting members is unavailable, the chair may call an additional meeting.
Quorum: A quorum shall be constituted when a minimum of 50% plus one voting members are present to hear an academic appeal.
Agenda and Minutes: The Chair will distribute the student’s appeal letter to members on or before the day of each meeting. In cases where a member either assigned a student’s failing grade or is directly involved in the process leading to the student’s appeal, they will be sent a date/time to come discuss the aspects of the appeal rather than the letter. The outcome of the appeal will be included in ASC’s meeting minutes
Admissions Committee
- Purpose: The Student Admissions Committee shall participate in the following:
- evaluating applicants for admission who embody the excellence and diversity valued by LSU Health Shreveport School of Medicine, and;
- establishing Admissions policies.
- Source of Authority: Dean of the School of Medicine
- Responsibilities are to:
- Provide the final authority for accepting students to LSU Health Shreveport School of Medicine;
- Identify and select applicants who demonstrate the ability to successfully complete the MD program at LSU Health Shreveport School of Medicine;
- Ensure the admissions process is applied consistently and without bias to all applicants;
- Ensure the selection of medical students for admission shall be free from political or financial influence;
- Establish and regularly review Admissions standards, policies, and procedures.
- Membership:
- The Student Admissions Committee shall consist of no fewer than 25 and no more than 38 members.
- Faculty members must comprise the majority of voting members of the Admissions Committee.
- Ex-officio, non-voting members appointed by the Dean shall be the Associate Dean for Student Admissions, and three chosen from the Associate Dean for Diversity Affairs, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and the Assistant Vice-Chancellor for Diversity.
- Ex-officio, non-voting members of the Admissions Committee may not serve as Chair or Co-chair of the Admissions Committee. Ex-officio, nonvoting members do not count for quorum purposes; however, they may engage in motions, and contribute to general Admissions Committee discussions and deliberations.
- The Student Admissions Committee shall have a Chair and a Co-chair. The Student Admissions Committee Chair shall be appointed by the Dean of the School of Medicine. The Student Admissions Committee Co-chair shall be selected by the Chair and the Associate Dean for Student Admissions.
- The Chair is a non-voting member unless there is a tie. In this situation, the Chair shall have the tie-breaking vote.
- All other members shall be voting members except as noted above.
- Admissions Committee members shall be appointed for one-year terms and shall be eligible for reappointment annually. There shall be no maximum length of service for Admissions Committee members.
- There shall be one subcommittee, the Initial Review Committee (IRC), consisting of nine members, the majority of whom are faculty. The IRC shall be responsible for reviewing applicant files and making recommendations for extending invitation to interview.
- Meetings, Quorum, Agenda, and Minutes:
- Meetings: The Student Admissions Committee shall, prior to initial interviews, hold at least one training/orientation meeting per year. The Student Admissions Committee shall meet bi-monthly while interviews are ongoing.
- Quorum and Voting: A quorum shall be constituted when a minimum of 50% plus one voting members are present for Admissions Committee business. A simple majority of voting members present is necessary to decide any action by the Admissions Committee.
- Agenda and Minutes: The agenda shall be distributed electronically on or before the day of each meeting. Printed copies shall be available at each meeting. Meeting minutes shall be made available in the Student Admissions office on the Monday following the meeting. Due to the sensitive and confidential information potentially contained therein, minutes shall not be distributed electronically.
Continuing Medical Education Committee
- Purpose: The Committee provides oversight, direction, and support to the Continuing Medical Education Program staff.
- Source of Authority: Dean of School of Medicine
- Responsibilities are to:
- Assume a leadership role in the support and involvement of School of Medicine faculty in CME activities;
- Ensure that the CME program meets the needs of the physicians of Louisiana;
- Provide an ongoing monitoring system to ensure that the policies adopted by the Committee foster an effective and efficient CME program;
- Establish Continuing Medical Education broad-based policies relating to the administration of the CME program;
- Ensure that the educational content of all CME activities meets the guidelines set forth by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (AACME);
- Review and approve all applications for credit for those activities, as well as the summary evaluation and financial reports on CME activities;
- Approve CME programs including Grand Rounds, Conferences, Dinner Programs, and Enduring Materials.
- Membership: 1 chair, 15 voting members, 4 ex-officio, non-voting members
Continuous Quality Improvement Committee
- Purpose:The Continuous Quality Improvement Committee is charged to monitor compliance with Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) accreditation standards and elements. In an ongoing effort to improve the medical education program and the learning environment, this committee evaluates progress on short and long-term programmatic goals, implements a systematic process to collect and review data that are used to improve educational program quality, and disseminates outcomes to appropriate leadership and administration for possible action.
- Source of Authority: Dean of the School of Medicine
- Responsibilities are to:
- Determine accreditation elements to be reviewed and monitored. Criteria may include:
Elements that were cited in previous LCME surveys;
Select elements that are most frequently cited at all medical schools (based on recent LCME data);
Elements revised since previous survey;
Other elements that pose a risk of non-compliance determined by the Continuous Quality Improvement Committee.
Maintain a process of monitoring LCME elements, which includes the development of recommendations, timelines, and goals to maintain compliance with LCME standards.
Regularly review relevant data sources (AAMC Graduation Questionnaire, AAMC Mission Management Tool, NBME scores, student evaluations, etc.) and oversee data collection and management system.
Disseminate relevant data that indicates potential risk of non-compliance with LCME elements.
Charge responsible committees, working groups, and leaders to identify action plans to improve outcomes; action plans shall outline:
Purpose and scope of the quality improvement plan;
Strategy for resolving identified gap, risk, or deficiency;
Measurable outcomes with specific timelines;
Effectiveness of the action plan (i.e., performance indicators);
Responsible committees, working groups, and individual(s).
Recommend to the dean that action plans be implemented by responsible committees, working groups, or individuals who will directly initiate, manage, and/or oversee CQI interventions and activities for assigned elements and produce status reports on CQI activity.
Regularly monitor institutional strategic plan objectives that impact the medical education program, services, or resources where they correspond to accreditation standards and elements.
- Membership:
- Voting Members:
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Associate Dean for Admissions
Assistant Dean for Faculty Development
Assistant Dean for Diversity Affairs
Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
Executive Director of Institutional Planning, Effectiveness, and Accreditation
Current and/or previous LCME Faculty Accreditation Lead
Faculty representatives (1 clinical, 1 basic science)
Student representatives (1 preclinical, 1 clinical)
Chair appointed by the Dean of the School of Medicine
- Non-voting Members:
- Assistant Vice Chancellor for Diversity Affairs (ex-officio)
- Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (ex-officio)
- Meetings, Quorum, Agenda, and Minutes:
- Meetings: The Continuous Quality Improvement Committee shall meet quarterly with at least four meetings occurring each year
- Quorum and Voting: A quorum shall be constituted when a minimum of 50% plus one voting members are present for Continuous Quality Improvement Committee business. A simple majority of voting members is necessary to decide any action by the Continuous Quality Improvement Committee. Each voting member of a Committee shall have one vote. For normal meetings, the voting member must be present to cast that vote, unless otherwise specified, either in person or by approved contemporaneous electronic participation. Specific votes may also be performed using electronic mail in which case each voting member may vote by email as long as the vote is submitted within the timeframe specified.
- Agenda and Minutes: The agenda shall be distributed electronically on or before the day of each meeting. Printed copies shall be available at each meeting. Meeting minutes shall be made available within seven days following the meeting.
Executive Committee
- Purpose: The School of Medicine Executive Committee (SOMEC) oversees LSUHSC-S School of Medicine activities, determines the governance and policymaking processes within its purview, and advises the Dean of the School of Medicine.
- Source of Authority: Dean of the School of Medicine
- Rights and Responsibilities: The Executive Committee of the School of Medicine is constituted to advise and assist the dean by providing collective counsel on matters dealing with the leadership, management, and governance of the LSUHSC-S School of Medicine. Regular school of medicine office and committee reports are made to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is responsible for the approval and alignment of school of medicine policies except those produced by the Medical Curriculum Council and Admissions Committee, which have final authority for their respective areas. The Executive Committee may make recommendations to the Medical Curriculum Council and Admissions Committee. Specific responsibilities of the Executive Committee include but are not limited to:
- Mission, resources, organization;
- Planning and development;
- Monitoring the implementation of policy;
- Matters not specifically delegated to other committees;
- Referral of matters as necessary to appropriate individuals and/or committees.
- Membership:
- Chair: Dean of the School of Medicine;
- Vice chair: A subdean appointed by the Dean of the School of Medicine;
- Those assistant and associate deans designated by the Dean of the School of Medicine;
- Two department chairs appointed by the chair or vice chair;
- Two faculty representatives, one recommended by the faculty senate and one appointed by the Dean of the School of Medicine;
- Other participants as approved by the Dean of the School of Medicine.
- Quorum: A quorum shall consist of a majority of voting members (i.e., 50% of voting members plus 1), unless otherwise specified.
- Voting Priviledges: Each voting member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote. For normal meetings, the voting member must be present to cast that vote, unless otherwise specified, either in person or by approved contemporaneous electronic participation. Specific votes may also be performed using electronic mail in which case each voting member may vote by email as long as the vote is submitted within the timeframe specified.
- Conduct:
- The Chair shall preside at committee meetings or, if absent, the Vice-Chair shall preside or may delegate this responsibility to another member of the committee.
- The committee may establish subcommittees and taskforces as needed.
- Agendar and Minutes:
- An agenda for each committee meeting shall be prepared by the Chair.
- The agenda, minutes of the previous meeting, and supporting materials shall be distributed to committee members in advance of the meeting.
- Any member of the committee may have an item placed on the agenda by submitting a written request to the chair 7 days in advance of the meeting.
- Officers
- The Executive Committee shall have a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary, and such other officers as may be designated by the appointing authority.
- Officers must hold a faculty position.
- The Secretary of the committee shall be responsible for taking and compiling the minutes of each committee meeting and submitting them to the committee chair. The committee Secretary will also compile the committee reports submitted to the executive committee prior to scheduled meetings. Approved reports and policies will be published to the General Faculty.
- The vice-chair will be responsible for conducting a scheduled committee meeting if the chair is unable to do so.
- Cadence
- Monthly unless otherwise specified by the Dean of the School of Medicine.
- Reports
- School of Medicine dean’s offices and standing committees will submit a written report at least three days prior to each scheduled meeting.
- Proposed new policies for the school of medicine (except those from the Medical Curriculum Council and Admissions Committee) must be submitted to the Executive Committee at least three days prior to a scheduled meeting for approval. If issues are found with a new policy, the Executive Committee will remand the policy back to the originating committee for additional work.
Faculty Development Committee
- Committee Charge: The purpose of the Faculty Development Committee in the School of Medicine is to coordinate all aspects of faculty development, engage faculty across all ranks, tracks, and disciplines in collective and individual learning needs assessment and programming, and serve the school by proposing policy initiatives related to faculty development.
- Standing Objectives:
- Engages faculty across disciplines to identify common development needs related to current trends and contemporary evidence for teaching and learning in higher education
- Explores and shares innovative teaching and learning tools and encourages their use across programs
- Collaborates across the school and campus in course development and design of learning experiences, in collaboration with other committees.
- Establishes and promotes a culture of sharing, mentoring, and cross-pollination among and across faculty members of all disciplines in the school
- Establishes and implements an on-boarding process for new faculty members.
- Establishes and implements a faculty development program to meet faculty members’ identified needs, methodologies, and preferences.
- Makes recommendations to the Dean of the School of Medicine.
- Makes recommendations for policies and procedures to integrate and implement necessary changes and actions related to faculty development.
- Membership:
- Membership will include faculty from clinical and basic science departments.
- Voting members include the Chair and members who are faculty members of the School of Medicine, represent a balance of junior and senior faculty, and are appointed to the committee annually by the Committee on Committees.
- A secretary will be appointed annually from the committee members.
- Two representatives from the School of Allied Health will serve as ex officio members on this committee.
- Review/Approval Authority:
- Meeting minutes will be forwarded to the Chair of the committee for uploading to the School intranet. Electronic copies will be sent to committee members upon request.
- Any action plans developed will be forwarded to the Dean of the School of Medicine.
- Committee Activities, Process, and Committee Roles:
- This committee will function as a standing committee, and meetings will be called at least bimonthly. Meetings will take place as agreed upon by committee members.
- Chair:
- Facilitate committee function to meet its objectives
- Institute action plans as needed
- Complete committee evaluation process
- Provide the Dean of the School of Medicine with a summary of the committee’s activities prior to the General Faculty Meeting.
- Forward committee recommendations to the appropriate school officials and follow-up on final action on proposals
- Secretary:
- To record committee activities and meeting minutes
- To provide the Chair with an electronic copy for proofing.
Medical Curriculum Council
- Purpose: The Medical Curriculum Council (MCC) shall serve as the faculty decision-making body regarding detailed development, design, and implementation of all components of the medical education program. The Medical Curriculum Council will work with the Associate Deans for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs and with course/clerkship directors who will implement changes in curriculum, learning environment and/or student support services. Major curriculum changes require approval of the Administrative Council and the Dean of the School of Medicine.
- Source of Authority: Dean of the School of Medicine
- Responsibilities are to:
- Define the learning outcomes of the educational program associated with the six core competencies: medical knowledge, patient care, interpersonal and communication skills, practice-based learning and improvement, systems-based practice, and professionalism.
- Detail the medical education program objectives and the learning objectives for each required curricular segment.
- Design instructional and assessment methods appropriate for achievement of educational objectives.
- Determine the content and content sequencing.
- Provide ongoing review and updating of content.
- Overall design, management, evaluation, and central oversight of a coherent, efficient, and coordinated curriculum.
- Determine the types of patients, clinical conditions, and appropriate clinical settings for education experiences, including the expected level of student responsibility.
- Continuous evaluation of the course, clerkship, and teacher quality alongside the Committee on Program Evaluation and Student Assessment.
- Monitor and review, and when necessary, modify the curriculum, medical student experiences, and methods used to assess student performance to ensure that curriculum learning outcomes are achieved.
- Monitor the overall learning environment and ensuring high-quality student support services.
- Maintain compliance with all relevant LCME standards.
- Membership:
- Voting Members:
- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (Chair)
- Director of Academic Affairs
- Director of Module 1
- Two co-Chair(s) of the Clerkship Directors’ Subcommittee
- Chair of the Pre-clerkship Curriculum Subcommittee
- Director of Fourth Year Curriculum
- Director of the Transition to Residency Course
- Director of Integrative Medicine Course
- Six members from the Faculty with 3-year staggered terms will be appointed by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in consultation with Course Directors, Clerkship Directors, Faculty Senate, Curriculum Council members, and Chairs, thus assuring a broad representation.
- Two student representatives from the third-year class
- Two student representatives from the fourth-year class
- Faculty Senate representative.
- Non-Voting Members:
- Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs/Chief Academic Officer for Ochsner Health
- Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, School of Allied Health
- Associate Dean for Admissions
- Associate Dean for Student Affairs
- Director of Student Affairs
- Registrar
- Clinical Curriculum Coordinator
- Director of Institutional Planning, Effectiveness, and Accreditation
- Director of Clinical Skills Center
- School of Medicine Learning Specialist
- LSUHSC-S Library representative
- Project Manager for Academic Affairs
- Manager of Strategic Academic Operations for Ochsner Health
- Additional ad hoc faculty with expertise as required (per the Chair)
- Meetings and Voting:
- Meetings: Monthly meetings
- Voting: In case of tie votes, the chair will cast the deciding vote.
- Subcommittees:
- Pre-clerkship Curriculum Subcommittee
- Responsible to the Medical Curriculum Council
- Responsibilities are to:
- Ensure horizontal and vertical integration/coordination across the curriculum.
- Implement the goals, objectives, and teaching responsibilities of the curriculum for each course.
- Map current curriculum to the Data Collection Instrument (DCI) provided by the AAMC to ensure continuous quality improvement.
- Maintain an organized schedule of teaching activities.
- Coordinate student assessments and evaluations in Phase 1 of the curriculum.
- In collaboration with the Representative from Student Advisory Group Evaluation, review syllabi, learning objectives, and assessment criteria to ensure effective integration of course materials, teaching and assessment methods across Phase 1 and ensuring adherence to the School of Medicine and University policies.
- Provide input to the Curriculum Council related to potential gaps and/or unplanned redundancies informed by course reviews, AAMC Graduate Questionnaire, student outcome data, and other relevant data.
- Share teaching methods and education delivery modalities to promote learning.
- Review overall student/class performance in preparation for Phase 2 of the curriculum.
- Membership:
- Module 1 Director;
- Individual course directors of required educational experience;
- Module I Course 1
- Module I Course 2
- Module I Course 3
- Module I Course 4
- Foundations of Microbiology
- Musculoskeletal
- Head & Neck
- Neuroanatomy
- Neurology and Behavioral Sciences
- Blood and lymph
- Cardiovascular
- Foundations of Clinical Medicine
- Integrative Processes
- Renal
- Respiratory
- GI and Liver
- Basic science discipline representatives.
- Microbiology
- Biochemistry
- Physiology
- Pharmacology
- Anatomy
- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs;
- Director of Academic Affairs;
- Associate Dean for Student Affairs;
- Director of Clinical Skills Center;
- LSUHSC-S Library representative.
- Clerkship Directors’ Committee
- Responsible to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and the Medical Curriculum Council.
- Responsibilities are to:
- Ensure horizontal and vertical integration/coordination across the curriculum;
- Implement the goals, objectives, and teaching responsibilities of the curriculum for each clerkship;
- Maintain an organized schedule of educational activities and coordinating student assessments and evaluations in Phase 2 and 3 of the curricula;
- In collaboration with the Representative from Student Advisory Group Evaluation, review syllabi, learning objectives, and assessment criteria to ensure effective integration of course materials, teaching, and assessment methods and adherence to College and University policies;
- Provide input to the Medical Curriculum Council related to potential gaps and/or unplanned redundancies informed by course reviews, AAMC Graduation Questionnaire, student outcome data, and other relevant data;
- Share teaching methods and education delivery modalities to promote learning;
- Review overall student/class performance in preparation for graduation.
- Membership:
- Voting:
- Co-Chair(s) of Clerkship Committee
- Individual clerkship directors of required core educational experiences:
Family Medicine
Clinical Neurology
Internal Medicine
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Non-voting:
- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs;
- Director of Academic Affairs;
- Clinical Curriculum Coordinator;
- Associate Dean for Student Affairs;
- Director of the Clinical Skills Center;
- Registrar;
- Representative from Student Advisory Group Evaluation.
- Curriculum Evaluation Committee
- Accountable to the Curriculum Council and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
- Responsibilities are to:
- Evaluate curricular quality and outcomes;
- Monitor the overall assessment program;
- Conduct formal reviews of courses and clerkships.
- Membership: Voting:
- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs;
- One course director from each of the first two years (nominated by the Pre-clerkship Curriculum Subcommittee);
- One course director responsible for the Introduction to Clinical Medicine sequence;
- Three clinical clerkship directors (at least one of whom is a 4th-year clerkship director) nominated by the Clerkship Directors’ Committee;
- Additional ad hoc faculty with assessment expertise as required;
- One medical student from each of the four years.
Professionalism Committee
- Purpose: The purpose of the School of Medicine Professionalism Committee is to enhance and encourage medical student professional behavior, to review - in strict confidence - instances of substandard medical student professional behavior, to determine correction or remediation for this behavior including, in certain cases, a decision to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the School of Medicine for dismissal
- Source of Authority: Associate Dean for Student Affairs
- Responsibilities are to:
- Professionalism Committee meetings shall be conducted in private. Admission of any person to the meeting shall be at the discretion of the Professionalism Committee Chairperson. All procedural questions are subject to the final decision of the Professionalism Committee Chair.
- Professionalism Committee members should recuse themselves if they are directly involved in the complaint - they may be called to share information with the committee.
- The committee hears the student(s) presentation of all information related to the complaint. Advisors are allowed to accompany the student at the meeting, but are not permitted to participate directly in any meeting before the Professionalism Committee. The advisor’s function is not to serve as an advocate but, instead, as a liaison with the School to help the student understand how the Committee functions and how best to address the complaint before the Committee.
- The subject student may submit a written statement prior to the Professionalism Committee meeting to assure that the Committee has adequate information - this will be distributed to all committee members ahead of the meeting. If the student believes that other community members have relevant information, he or she should indicate such in the written statement. The Chair has the discretion to decide which, if any, community members should be contacted and or appear at the Professionalism Committee meeting.
- The Professionalism Committee, at the discretion of the Chair, may invite faculty, students, administrators, or other members of the community who may have information that is relevant to the matter under review to share such information with the Committee. Ordinarily, the names of such community members, and, if applicable, written statements from them, will be provided to the student in advance of the Professionalism Committee meeting. However, names of other students and information that could easily identify them will not be shared with the student against whom the complaint is submitted. Alternatively, the community members may meet with a sub-committee of the Professionalism committee prior to the full committee meeting, and the findings will be shared with the other committee members at the full committee meeting. When needed, the Office for Student Affairs will help facilitate the scheduling of these sub-committee meetings.
- In the event the complaint comes from one or more students, a sub-committee of 2-3 members will be formed to review the written complaint to determine if it meets the criteria of minor or major infraction, and warrants review in a full committee meeting.
- After hearing all student and complainant presentations, the student and their advisor will leave the room and the Professionalism Committee shall deliberate to determine whether the student has violated the Student Code of Conduct. The Committee’s determination shall be made based on whether it is more likely than not that the student violated the Student Code of Conduct.
- The Professionalism Committee shall decide on the appropriate sanction or remediation plan, if any, that is needed. Any material that has been disseminated to committee members during the meeting is collected for shredding/returned to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs (Material related to the Professionalism Committee process is maintained confidentially in the student’s academic file).
- The Professionalism Committee Chair or the Vice-Chair shall write up the decision and associated sanctions, and this will be approved by committee members via email. The Chair or Vice-Chair will convey in writing the Committee’s final decision within seven (7) days of completion of the Committee’s meeting to the student, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
- The Chair may choose to sit in on follow-up meetings between the student and Office for Student Affairs to help monitor their progress - this will be reported to the committee by the Chair.
- Actions taken by the Office for Student Affairs or Office for Academic Affairs will be reported to the Chair of the Professionalism Committee on a quarterly basis, and the chair will share this information with the committee. This provides continuity to the process and ensures the remediation plan is followed by the student.
- If the student demonstrates a pattern of recidivism or fails to complete the required remediation plan as outlined, the matter will be returned to the Professionalism Committee. The Professionalism Committee will then submit its decision for additional action that may include dismissal.
- If, at any stage, the decision is dismissal, both the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will be notified, and the latter will take the formal action of dismissal on behalf of the school.
- Membership: The Professionalism Committee is a standing committee of the School of Medicine composed of twelve (12) members, including a Chair and Vice-Chair. The committee is composed of a diverse group of clinical and basic science faculty who have demonstrated exemplary behavior at LSU Health Sciences Center at Shreveport. Additional member(s) who are ex-officio, non-voting members of the committee include the Associate Dean for Student Affairs* and the Director for Student Affairs* (*these individuals do not sit on deliberations of the cases but may provide pertinent information to the committee). Committee members serve for 3-year term staggered terms, with the option for renewal of an additional term. When necessary, the chair/co-chair will select a sub-committee of 2-3 members. This will be formed using a rotating roster and, when possible, a combination of basic science and clinical faculty who are likely to be available for the main committee meeting should it be needed. The committee will vote on a replacement chair/co-chair as they rotate off the committee.
- Meetings, Quorum, Agenda, and Minutes:
- Meetings: As requested by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. If more than one student is the subject of the complaint, then the Chair, in his or her discretion, may call for separate meetings to be conducted for each student
- Quorum: A quorum of seven (7) members is required for meeting and decision making of the Professionalism Committee.
- Agenda: Upon receipt of a written complaint, the Chair or Vice-Chair will work with the Office for Student Affairs to schedule a Professionalism Committee meeting. In turn, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs/Director for Student Affairs will notify the student via email of the date, time, and location of the meeting. The student is typically given at least seven (7) days’ notice of the date, time, place for such meetings, and the name of the Chair of the Professionalism Committee. The written complaint is disseminated by the Chair or Vice-chair ahead of the meeting in preparation for hearing the student present their case. In the event the student submits a written statement prior to the Professionalism Committee meeting to assure that the Committee has adequate information, this will also be distributed to the committee members ahead of the meeting.
- Minutes: Minutes are recorded by the Chair or Vice-Chair, and are written up in the form of the decisions by the committee. The written decisions are approved by committee members via e-mail before being submitted to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, and the Director for Student Affairs within seven (7) days of the meeting.
Committee for Academic Societies in Student Affairs
- Purpose: The Committee for Academic Societies in Student Affairs provides oversight for the Academic Societies chartered by the Office of Student Affairs. The Academic Societies at LSUHSC-S School of Medicine is designed to provide a support system for students as they acquire the knowledge and develop the skills necessary to succeed as a physician. This goal is accomplished by enhancing the interaction between faculty and students through teaching and through academic and career advising opportunities, as well as through collecting assessments for the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE).
- Source of Authority: Dean of the School of Medicine, Associate Dean for Student Affairs.
- Responsibilities are to:
- Manage the operations of the academic societies;
- Provide advising and counseling to students of the School of Medicine through the four years of the curriculum;
- Encourage interaction among students and classes in a collegial environment.
- Membership: 15 members of the clinical faculty (6 Chairs of the Societies, 6 Vice Chairs of the Societies, and 3 at-large members). One overall Chair will be selected from the members. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs serves as an ex-officio member.
- Meetings: Every two months
- Meeting Agenda and Minutes: Minutes will be maintained by the Chair and agenda provided by the Office of Student Affairs.
D. School of Graduate Studies Standing Committees
Graduate Advisory Council
- Purpose: Assists the Dean and Associate Dean for Graduate Studies in running the overarching Doctoral and Master’s Programs of the basic science departments in the School of Graduate Studies and the separate Doctoral Programs of certain Basic Science Departments.
- Source of Authority: The Graduate Advisory Council shall advise the Dean and Associate Dean of the School of Graduate Studies on matters pertaining to the Graduate School curricula, stipends, admissions, and Graduate School policies.
- Responsibilities are to: Advise the Dean and Associate Dean of the School of Graduate Studies on the Graduate Studies curricula, stipends, admissions, and Graduate School policies.
- Membership: Members of the Graduate Advisory Council shall include the Dean and Associate Dean for the School of Graduate Studies; Chairs of the Basic Science Departments in the School of Graduate Studies; the Graduate Coordinator from each Basic Science Department; two faculty members elected at large by and from the Graduate Faculty; and one graduate student appointed by and from the Graduate Student Council. All members shall be voting members except for the Dean and Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and the student representative.
- Meetings: The Graduate Advisory Council meetings shall be called by the Dean or Associate Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, as needed, or at the request of a member of the Council. Minutes of the meeting shall be recorded by the Secretary in the Office of Graduate Studies and maintained in the Office of Graduate Studies. The Dean of the School of Graduate Studies shall chair the meetings.
- Meeting Agenda: The Dean or Associate Dean of the School of Graduate Studies shall set the agenda for the meeting and distribute it to the members of the Council at least two weeks before a scheduled meeting. Agenda items may be added by any member of the Council by submitting a request to the Dean.
Research Advisory Council (RAC)
- Purpose: The RAC advises the Vice Chancellor for Research on awarding of intramural funding and on research policies within the School of Graduate Studies
- Source of Authority: Vice Chancellor for Research
- Membership: The Research Advisory Council shall consist of the Vice Chancellor for Research/Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, Associate Dean for the School of Graduate Studies, Chairs of the five Basic Science Departments, and directors of the Feist-Weiller Cancer Center, Center for Excellence in Arthritis and Rheumatology, Center for Cardiovascular Diseases and Sciences, Center for Brain Health, Center of Excellence for Emerging Viral Threats, and Louisiana Addiction Research Center.
- Responsibilities are to:
- Review intramural grant applications for research, predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships;
- Decide on research policies.
E. School of Allied Health Professions Standing Committees
Standing committees shall be appointed annually by the Dean of the School of Allied Health Professions in consultation with the President of the Delegate Assembly. Appointments shall be for a period of one year and may be renewed. Committees shall execute and implement a charter based on assignments from the Dean and President of the Delegate Assembly and shall review the charter annually. All committee members shall be evaluated annually by the committee chairperson and likewise all committee chairpersons shall be evaluated annually by the committee members. Results of these evaluations are shared with the Dean and President of the Delegate Assembly and used in determining committee assignments for the next year.
Academic Affairs Committee
- Committee Charge: The purpose of the Academic Affairs Committee is to coordinate all aspects of curriculum and instruction and serve the school by proposing policy initiatives related to academic conduct, due process, awards, and curriculum design and development.
- Standing Objectives:
- Maintains current records of departmental curricula for institution’s catalogue
- Coordinates curriculum changes in all departments via a review of new and revised course proposals
- Reviews proposals for new courses/programs of study
- Promotes communication among programs regarding curriculum issues and current trends within and across disciplines
- Through its chairperson, serves as liaison with the Provost and Office of Academic Affairs in the School of Medicine
- Serves as an advisory group for program curricula to provide feedback on proposed curriculum changes to individual programs
- Reviews and updates policies related to academic conduct and due process
- Makes recommendations to the Dean on curriculum and academic policy;
- Creates a subcommittee, including student representation, to work with the Assistant Dean for Academic and Student Affairs to solicit and vet nominees and make a recommendation to the Dean for the annual Allen A. Copping Teaching Award, in accordance with established criteria and guidelines for the award
- Creates and maintains criteria for the annual Dean’s and Chancellor’s Awards, solicits candidates from each program, and makes the determination of the awardees
- Creates and maintains criteria for Institutional Scholarships, solicits candidates from each program, and assures the documentation for program awardees are complete and forwarded to the Office of Financial Aid
- Creates a General Education subcommittee on an as-needed basis to ensure undergraduate programmatic needs are met
- Membership:
- Each academic program of the School of Allied Health Professions shall have a representative on the committee (Membership of committee may change from year to year as availability/expertise dictates).
- Voting members include the Chair and members who are full-time faculty members of the School of Allied Health Professions and are appointed to the committee annually by the Dean and Faculty Delegate Assembly.
- Three non-voting ex officio members serve on this committee:
- School of Allied Health Professions Assistant Dean for Academic and Student Affairs
- Registrar of LSU Health Shreveport
- School of Allied Health Professions student who is nominated by SGA and approved by Faculty Delegate Assembly
- Review/Approval Authority:
- Meeting minutes will be forwarded to the Dean for uploading to the School intranet. Electronic copies will be sent to committee members upon request.
- Any action plans developed will be forwarded to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary and the Dean.
- A summary of committee activity will be sent to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary the Monday prior to the biannual General Faculty Meeting.
- Committee Activities, Process, and Committee Roles:
- This committee will function as an ad hoc committee and meetings will be called as needed, but at least twice yearly. Meetings will take place as agreed upon by committee members.
- Chair: The committee chair is to:
- Facilitate committee function to meet its objectives
- Institute action plans as needed
- Complete committee evaluation process
- Provide the Faculty Delegate Assembly with a summary of the committee’s activities prior to the General Faculty Meeting
- Forward committee recommendations to the appropriate school officials and follow-up on final action on proposals
- Serve as a resource for all the allied health programs regarding policy and procedures for curriculum changes and due process.
- Recorder:
- To record committee activities and meeting minutes
- To provide the chairman with an electronic copy for proofing.
- Time Frame for Committee Activity:
- Proposals are submitted two weeks prior to the scheduled date of the committee meeting
- Committee will forward recommendations to the appropriate school official within three days of the meeting
- Committee meetings can be called by the chairperson as curriculum or other academic issues arise.
Clinical Affairs Committee
- Committee Charge: The purpose of the Clinical Affairs Committee is to coordinate faculty engagement across disciplines in managing the faculty clinic enterprise and to serve the school by proposing policy initiatives related to excellence in clinical practice.
- Standing Objectives:
- Engages faculty across programs to participate in advanced clinical practice through the faculty practice.
- Participates in and serves as a clinical education site and as a model for excellence in clinical practice for students of all disciplines.
- Promotes our clinic practice to our colleagues, referral sources, and LSU Health faculty and staff as the premier local practice to receive services
- Reviews, revises, and maintains policies and procedures for the faculty practice and assures adherence.
- Establishes and implements a subcommittee on regulatory compliance to regularly review policies and processes for continued quality improvement and control.
- Establishes and implements a peer-assessment process for continuous quality improvement.
- Serves as a consultant group to the Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs for space utilization, equipment needs, and growth and development planning.
- Makes recommendations to the Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs for additional clinical personnel.
- Makes recommendations to the Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs for policies and procedures to integrate and implement necessary changes for our clinical practice.
- Membership:
- Each clinical program of the School of Allied Health Professions shall have a representative on the committee (Membership of committee may change from year-to-year as availability/expertise dictates)
- Voting members include the Chair and members who are full-time faculty members of the School of Allied Health Professions and are appointed to the committee annually by the Dean and Faculty Delegate Assembly
- Two non-voting ex officio members serve on this committee:
- School of Allied Health Professions Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs
- School of Allied Health Professions Director of Clinical Management Systems
- Review/Approval Authority:
- Meeting minutes will be forwarded to the Dean for uploading to the School intranet. Electronic copies will be sent to committee members upon request.
- Any action plans developed will be forwarded to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary and the Dean.
- A summary of committee activity will be sent to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary the Monday prior to the biannual General Faculty Meeting.
- Committee Activities, Process, and Committee Roles:
- This committee will function as an ad hoc committee and meetings will be called as needed, but at least twice yearly. Meetings will take place as agreed upon by committee members.
- Chair:
- Facilitate committee function to meet its objectives
- Institute action plans as needed
- Complete committee evaluation process
- Provide the Faculty Delegate Assembly with a summary of the committee’s activities prior to the General Faculty Meeting.
- Forward committee recommendations to the appropriate school officials and follow-up on final action on proposals
- Recorder:
- To record committee activities and meeting minutes.
- To provide the chairman with an electronic copy for proofing.
- Time Frame for Committee Activity:
- Proposals are submitted two weeks prior to the scheduled date of the committee meeting.
- Committee will forward recommendations to the appropriate school official within three days of the meeting.
- Committee meetings can be called by the chairperson as issues arise.
Clinical Education Coordination Committee
- Committee Charge: The purpose of the Clinical Education Coordination Committee is to provide a consortium with program representation for the oversight of clinical education curriculum, policies, and contract review for the school. The Committee will collaborate with programs to assure alignment with accreditation requirements and ensure a broad range of opportunities for our students to learn from the best in each profession
- Standing Objectives:
- Develops and maintains collaborative relationships with clinical partners for each discipline within the school.
- Serves as the school ambassadors to our clinical partners.
- Hosts or sponsors annual educational or development opportunities for all clinical faculty who regularly participate in the clinical education of our students
- Suggests to the Dean rights and privileges for clinical faculty within the LSU System (e.g., library access, gratis appointment, LSUHSC-S e-mail access, etc.)
- Determines criteria, solicits nominees, and nominates candidates for annual clinical faculty awards within each program.
- Maintains current records of clinical contracts for each program.
- Reviews proposals and contracts for new clinical partners
- Promotes communication among clinical partners regarding curriculum issues and current practice trends within and across disciplines
- Serves as an advisory group for individual programs’ clinical education enterprise
- Reviews and suggests updates to clinical education policies to each program and school-wide policies to the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs.
- Membership:
- Each academic program of the School of Allied Health Professions shall have a representative on the committee (Membership of committee may change from year-to-year as availability/expertise dictates)
- Voting members include the Chair and members who are full-time faculty members of the School of Allied Health Professions, serve as their programs’ Coordinator of Clinical Education, and are appointed to the committee annually by the Dean and Faculty Delegate Assembly
- There are no ex officio members to this committee
- Review/Approval Authority:
- Meeting minutes will be forwarded to the Dean for uploading to the School intranet. Electronic copies will be sent to committee members upon request.
- Any action plans developed will be forwarded to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary and the Dean.
- A summary of committee activity will be sent to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary the Monday prior to the biannual General Faculty Meeting.
- Committee Activities, Process, and Committee Roles:
- This committee will function as an ad hoc committee and meetings will be called as needed, but at least twice yearly. Meetings will take place as agreed upon by committee members.
- Chair:
- Facilitate committee function to meet its objectives
- Institute action plans as needed
- Complete committee evaluation process
- Provide the Faculty Delegate Assembly with a summary of the committee’s activities prior to the General Faculty Meeting.
- Forward committee recommendations to the appropriate school officials and follow-up on final action on proposals
- Serve as a resource for all the allied health programs regarding policy and procedures for curriculum changes and due process.
- Recorder:
- To record committee activities and meeting minutes
- To provide the chairman with an electronic copy for proofing.
- Time Frame for Committee Activity:
- Proposals are submitted two weeks prior to the scheduled date of the committee meeting
- Committee will forward recommendations to the appropriate school official within three days of the meeting.
- Committee meetings can be called by the chairperson as curriculum or other academic issues arise.
Community Outreach and Engagement Committee
- Committee Charge: The purpose of the Community Outreach and Engagement Committee is to identify and promote local, state, and national opportunities to highlight strengths and successes of the School of Allied Health Professions and to engage our faculty and students in outreach and community engagement efforts.
- Standing Objectives:
- Identifies collaborative opportunities across LSUHSC-S for community outreach and engagement.
- Regularly communicates collaborative opportunities to School of Allied Health Professions faculty and students.
- Serves as the School of Allied Health Professions liaison to the Institution’s Director of Communications and Public Relations through the chair.
- Connects School of Allied Health Professions faculty and students to community outreach and public service opportunities.
- Connects the local community to activities and opportunities to engage in the work of the School of Allied Health Professions.
- Creates and maintains criteria for the annual faculty service award, solicits candidates from each program, and selects the winner for Faculty Delegate Assembly presentation.
- Promotes the work of the School of Allied Health Professions to the community through media outlets.
- Membership:
- Each academic and/or clinical program of the School of Allied Health Professions shall have a representative on the committee (Membership of committee may change from year-to-year as availability/expertise dictates)
- Voting members include the Chair and members who are full-time faculty members of the School of Allied Health Professions and are appointed to the committee annually by the Dean and Faculty Delegate Assembly
- Four non-voting ex officio members serve on this committee:
- School of Allied Health Professions Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs
- School of Allied Health Professions Director of Student Life
- Director of Institutional Communications and PR of LSU Health Shreveport or designee
- School of Allied Health Professions student who is nominated by SGA and approved by Faculty Delegate Assembly
- Review/Approval Authority:
- Meeting minutes will be forwarded to the Dean for uploading to the School intranet. Electronic copies will be sent to committee members upon request.
- Any action plans developed will be forwarded to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary and the Dean.
- A summary of committee activity will be sent to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary the Monday prior to the biannual General Faculty Meeting.
- Committee Activities, Process, and Committee Roles:
- This committee will function as an ad hoc committee and meetings will be called as needed, but at least twice yearly. Meetings will take place as agreed upon by committee members.
- Chair:
- Facilitate committee function to meet its objectives
- Institute action plans as needed
- Complete committee evaluation process
- Provide the Faculty Delegate Assembly with a summary of the committee’s activities prior to the General Faculty Meeting.
- Forward committee recommendations to the appropriate school officials and follow-up on final action on proposals
- Recorder:
- To record committee activities and meeting minutes
- To provide the chairman with an electronic copy for proofing.
- Time Frame for Committee Activity:
- Proposals are submitted two weeks prior to the scheduled date of the committee meeting
- Committee will forward recommendations to the appropriate school official within three days of the meeting.
- Committee meetings can be called by the chairperson as issues arise.
Faculty Development Committee
- Committee Charge: The purpose of the Faculty Development Committee is to coordinate all aspects of faculty development, engage faculty across all ranks, tracks, and disciplines in collective and individual learning needs assessment and programming, and serve the school by proposing policy initiatives related to faculty development.
- Standing Objectives:
- Engages faculty across disciplines to identify common development needs related to current trends and contemporary evidence for teaching and learning in higher education
- Explores and shares innovative teaching and learning tools and encourage their use across programs
- Collaborates across the school and campus in course development and design of learning experiences, in collaboration with other committees (Grants and Research, IPE, etc.)
- Establishes and promotes a culture of sharing, mentoring, and crosspollination among and across faculty members of all disciplines in the school
- Establishes and implements an on-boarding process for new faculty members.
- Establishes and implements a faculty development program to meet faculty members’ identified needs, methodologies, and preferences.
- Makes recommendations to the Assistant Dean for Academic and Student Affairs for faculty development needs
- Makes recommendations for policies and procedures to integrate and implement necessary changes and actions related to faculty development.
- Membership:
- Each academic program of the School of Allied Health Professions shall have a representative on the committee (Membership of committee may change from year-to-year as availability/expertise dictates)
- Voting members include the Chair and members who are full-time faculty members of the School of Allied Health Professions, represent a balance of junior and senior faculty, and are appointed to the committee annually by the Dean and Faculty Delegate Assembly
- There are no ex officio members on this committee.
- Review/Approval Authority:
- Meeting minutes will be forwarded to the Dean for uploading to the School intranet. Electronic copies will be sent to committee members upon request.
- Any action plans developed will be forwarded to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary and the Dean.
- A summary of committee activity will be sent to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary the Monday prior to the biannual General Faculty Meeting.
- Committee Activities, Process, and Committee Roles:
- This committee will function as an ad hoc committee, and meetings will be called at least twice yearly. Meetings will take place as agreed upon by committee members.
- Chair:
- Facilitate committee function to meet its objectives
- Institute action plans as needed
- Complete committee evaluation process
- Provide the Faculty Delegate Assembly with a summary of the committee’s activities prior to the General Faculty Meeting.
- Forward committee recommendations to the appropriate school officials and follow-up on final action on proposals
- Recorder:
- To record committee activities and meeting minutes
- To provide the chairman with an electronic copy for proofing.
- Time Frame for Committee Activity:
- Proposals are submitted two weeks prior to the scheduled date of the committee meeting
- Committee will forward recommendations to the appropriate school official within three days of the meeting.
- Committee meetings can be called by the chairperson as issues arise.
Grants and Research Committee
- Committee Charge: The purpose of the Grants and Research Committee is to coordinate all aspects of research, grants, and technology transfer for the school and to serve in a collaborative role for research endeavors with the Schools of Medicine and Graduates Studies and with the Vice Chancellor for Research for the institution.
- Standing Objectives:
- Promotes communication among programs regarding research opportunities within the school and across the campus.
- Serves as liaison with the Offices of Grants, Research, and Technology Transfer for the institution through its chairperson.
- Serves as an advisory group to provide feedback to faculty on proposed studies, research design, and IRB processes.
- Assures the School’s intramural grants program is coordinated through the Institution’s Office of Research and makes recommendations to the Dean on relevant policies and awards.
- Plans and executes research events for the faculty and students of the School to showcase their work, in collaboration with the Office of Research.
- Creates and maintains criteria for the annual faculty research award, solicits candidates from each program, and selects the winner for Faculty Delegate Assembly presentation; communicates awardee to the Office of Research.
- Ensures compliance with the directives of the Vice Chancellor for Research and the Office of Sponsored Programs and Technology Transfer.
- Membership:
- Each academic program of the School of Allied Health Professions shall have a representative on the committee (Membership of committee may change from year-to-year as availability/expertise dictates) Voting members include the Chair and members who are full-time faculty members of the School of Allied Health Professions, represent a balance of senior and junior faculty, and are appointed to the committee annually by the Dean and Faculty Delegate Assembly
- Two non-voting ex officio members serve on this committee:
- School of Allied Health Professions Associate Dean for Business, Technology, and Research
- LSUHSC-S Vice Chancellor for Research or designee
- Review/Approval Authority:
- Meeting minutes will be forwarded to the Dean for uploading to the School intranet. Electronic copies will be sent to committee members upon request.
- Any action plans developed will be forwarded to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary and the Dean.
- A summary of committee activity will be sent to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary the Monday prior to the biannual General Faculty Meeting.
- Committee Activities, Process, and Committee Roles:
- This committee will function as an ad hoc committee and meetings will be called as needed, but at least twice yearly. Meetings will take place as agreed upon by committee members.
- Chair:
- Facilitate committee function to meet its objectives
- Institute action plans as needed
- Complete committee evaluation process
- Provide the Faculty Delegate Assembly with a summary of the committee’s activities prior to the General Faculty Meeting.
- Forward committee recommendations to the appropriate school officials and follow-up on final action on proposals
- Recorder:
- To record committee activities and meeting minutes
- To provide the chairman with an electronic copy for proofing.
- Time Frame for Committee Activity:
- Proposals are submitted two weeks prior to the scheduled date of the committee meeting
- Committee will forward recommendations to the appropriate school official within three days of the meeting.
- Committee meetings can be called by the chairperson as issues arise.
Interprofessional Education Committee (IPE)
- Committee Charge: The purpose of the Interprofessional Education Committee (IPD) is to coordinate all aspects of collaborative curriculum and instruction and serve the school by proposing policy initiatives related to IPE curricular development.
- Standing Objectives:
- Promotes communication among Programs regarding shared curriculum content and current trends in accreditation requirements for IPE across disciplines
- Serves as liaison with the Office of Academic Affairs in the School of Medicine through its chairperson
- Makes recommendations to programs and Institutional Academic Affairs leaders concerning IPE opportunities across campus and within the community
- Makes recommendations to the Dean on IPE curriculum and needs for academic efficiencies and incorporation of IPE principles
- Membership:
- Each academic program of the School of Allied Health Professions shall have a representative on the committee (Membership of committee may change from year-to-year as availability/expertise dictates)
- Voting members include the Chair and members who are full-time faculty members of the School of Allied Health Professions and are appointed to the committee annually by the Dean and Faculty Delegate Assembly
- Five non-voting ex officio members serve on this committee:
- School of Allied Health Professions Assistant Dean for Academic and Student Affairs
- School of Medicine Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
- School of Medicine Director for Academic Affairs
- School of Medicine Director of Clinical Skills Center
- School of Allied Health Professions student, nominated by SGA and approved by Faculty Delegate Assembly
- Review/Approval Authority:
- Meeting minutes will be forwarded to the Dean for uploading to the School intranet. Electronic copies will be sent to committee members upon request.
- Any action plans developed will be forwarded to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary and the Dean.
- A summary of committee activity will be sent to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary the Monday prior to the biannual General Faculty Meeting.
- Committee Activities, Process, and Committee Roles:
- This committee will function as an ad hoc committee and meetings will be called as needed, but at least twice yearly. Meetings will take place as agreed upon by committee members.
- Chair:
- Facilitate committee function to meet its objectives
- Institute action plans as needed
- Complete committee evaluation process
- Provide the Faculty Delegate Assembly with a summary of the committee’s activities prior to the General Faculty Meeting.
- Forward committee recommendations to the appropriate school officials and follow-up on final action on proposals
- Recorder:
- To record committee activities and meeting minutes
- To provide the chairman with an electronic copy for proofing.
- Time Frame for Committee Activity:
- Proposals are submitted two weeks prior to the scheduled date of the committee meeting
- Committee will forward recommendations to the appropriate school official within three days of the meeting.
- Committee meetings can be called by the chairperson as issues arise.
Promotion and Tenure Committee
- Committee Charge: The purpose of the Promotion and Tenure Committee is to coordinate all aspects of promotion and tenure for the school and to serve faculty and programs in an advisory and educational role about the policies, procedures, and standards for achieving promotion and tenure.
- Standing Objectives:
- Promotes communication and education for faculty related to promotion and tenure guidelines.
- Serves as liaison with the Provost of the institution through its chairperson.
- Serves as an advisory group to provide feedback to faculty on their progress toward promotion and/or tenure through a formative review process.
- Oversees the School’s Promotion and Tenure process.
- Holds annual meetings of the Promotion and Tenure Committee to make recommendations to the Dean for faculty promotion and tenure decisions.
- Creates and maintains policies and procedures for promotion and tenure for the School of Allied Health Professions that are in alignment with LSU Systems and LSUHSC-S policies.
- Membership:
- A Chair who is a tenured senior faculty member and Six members
- Appointed by the School of Allied Health Professions Dean
- Majority of members must be tenured faculty
- All committee appointments should:
- Hold an academic rank as a senior faculty member (associate professor or above)
- Be employed as a full-time School of Allied Health Professions faculty
- Review/Approval Authority:
- Meeting minutes will be forwarded to the Dean.
- Any process or policy changes will be forwarded to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary and the Dean.
- A general report will be sent to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary the Monday prior to the biannual General Faculty Meeting.
- Committee Activities, Process, and Committee Roles:
- This committee will function as an ad hoc committee and meetings will be called as needed and according to faculty candidates for formative review and Promotion and Tenure. Meetings will take place as agreed upon by committee members.
- Chair:
- Facilitate committee function to meet its objectives
- Institute action plans as needed
- Complete committee evaluation process
- Provide the Faculty Delegate Assembly with a summary of the committee’s activities prior to the General Faculty Meeting.
- Forward committee recommendations to the appropriate school officials and follow-up on final action on proposals
- Serve as a resource for all the allied health programs regarding policy and procedures for curriculum changes and due process.
- Record committee activities and meeting minutes
- Time Frame for Committee Activity:
- Materials for committee review are submitted two weeks prior to the scheduled date of the committee meeting
- Committee will forward recommendations to the appropriate school official within three days of the meeting.
Recruitment and Student Affairs Committee
- Committee Charge: The purpose of the Recruitment and Student Affairs Committee is to coordinate all aspects of student recruitment and matriculation into the School of Allied Health Professions and serve the school by proposing policy initiatives related to recruitment and student affairs.
- Standing Objectives:
- Maintains current program admissions requirements for recruitment purposes
- Maintains data on annual admissions statistics for each program
- Connects candidates to programs; advises candidates according to interests and admissions criteria
- Coordinates recruitment efforts with programs via a review of new and revised admissions processes
- Promotes communication and recruitment efforts among and within programs
- Serves as ambassadors of the School of Allied Health Professions with feeder schools and community awareness programs for health sciences, connecting programs and students with the feeder school student groups
- Serves as liaison with the institution’s Registrar and the Office of Student Financial Aid through its chairperson
- Serves as an advisory group for programs to provide feedback on admissions processes, standardization, and legal implications
- Reviews and updates policies related to recruitment and student affairs
- Makes recommendations to the Dean and programs on recruitment policies and procedures
- Creates subcommittees to plan/execute large School of Allied Health Professions-wide events (e.g., graduation, orientation, family day, AHEAD program, etc.)
- Oversees student of the month program and related alumni ambassador program
- Membership:
- Each academic program of the School of Allied Health Professions shall have a representative on the committee (Membership of committee may change from year-to-year as availability/expertise dictates)
- Voting members include the Chair and members who are full-time faculty members of the School of Allied Health Professions and are appointed to the committee annually by the Dean and Faculty Delegate Assembly
- Five non-voting ex officio members serve on this committee:
- School of Allied Health Professions Assistant Dean for Academic and Student Affairs
- LSU Health Assistant Vice Chancellor for Diversity Affairs
- School of Allied Health Professions Director of Student Life
- Up to two School of Allied Health Professions students, nominated by SGA and approved by Faculty Delegate Assembly, one of whom is in a graduate program
- Review/Approval Authority:
- Meeting minutes will be forwarded to the Dean for uploading to the School intranet. Electronic copies will be sent to committee members upon request.
- Any action plans developed will be forwarded to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary and the Dean.
- A summary of committee activity will be sent to the Faculty Delegate Assembly Secretary the Monday prior to the biannual General Faculty Meeting.
- Committee Activities, Process, and Committee Roles:
- This committee will function as an ad hoc committee and meetings will be called as needed, but at least twice yearly. Meetings will take place as agreed upon by committee members.
- Chair:
- Facilitate committee function to meet its objectives
- Institute action plans as needed
- Complete committee evaluation process
- Provide the Faculty Delegate Assembly with a summary of the committee’s activities prior to the General Faculty Meeting.
- Forward committee recommendations to the appropriate school officials and follow-up on final action on proposals
- Recorder:
- To record committee activities and meeting minutes
- To provide the chairman with an electronic copy for proofing.
- Time Frame for Committee Activity:
- Proposals are submitted two weeks prior to the scheduled date of the committee meeting
- Committee will forward recommendations to the appropriate school official within three days of the meeting.
- Committee meetings can be called by the chairperson as issues arise.