Oct 16, 2024  
School of Allied Health Student Handbook 2024-2025 
School of Allied Health Student Handbook 2024-2025

Academic Policies

Academic & Student Affairs Office

Academic Calendar
Courses & Curricula
Full-Time Student Enrollment Guidelines

Academic Policies

Grading System
Academic Progression Policy
Satisfactory Academic Progress for Title IV Financial Aid
Student Grade Appeal
Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Procedure

Academic & Student Affairs Office

The Office of Academic and Student Affairs serves the School of Allied Health Professions as the primary contact for prospective, incoming, and current Allied Health students and alumni. 

  • Maintains Southern Association of Colleges and Schools accreditation for the School of Allied Health Professions. 
  • Develops academic policies and provides student learning resources.
  • Assists students in being well-informed as to their rights and School regulations.
  • Supports students with disabilities to provide reasonable academic accommodations. 
  • Aids each department in recruiting qualified students committed to professional education.
  • Assists students in the successful admission, progression, and graduation from the School.
  • Provides orientation and ongoing assistance regarding the procurement of financial aid, medical, and academic/counseling services.
  • Advises the Student Government Association which embodies equal representation from each program.
  • Serves as a liaison among our administration, faculty, staff, and the student body.
  • Connects with alumni to strengthen connections and encourage involvement with the School.

Academic Calendar

The academic calendar is found on the Registrar’s webpage: https://www.lsuhs.edu/our-schools/registrar. Academic calendar dates are subject to change. Notice will be given if such a change is needed.

Courses & Curricula 

Course descriptions and academic curricula are outlined in the current LSU Health Sciences Center at Shreveport Catalog. 

Full-Time Student Enrollment Guidelines

To be considered a full-time student by the School of Allied Health Professions, undergraduates must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours each in the fall and spring semesters, and 6 hours in the summer term. Graduate students must be enrolled in at least 9 credit hours each in the fall and spring semesters, and 6 hours in the summer term.

Academic Policies

Grading System

The School of Allied Health Professions employs a letter grading system (A, B, C, D, F, I, P, S, and U). An A has the value of 4 quality points, B=3 quality points, C=2 quality points, D=1 quality point, and F=0 quality points. The grade point average is derived by dividing the total number of quality points by the total number of hours attempted. The “I” grade is recorded for a student whose work is satisfactory but, for reasons beyond the student’s control, is incomplete at the time grades for the course are reported. Grades which may be assigned but which are not included in the computation of the grade point average are as follows: “P” grade indicates a Pass, “S” grade indicates satisfactory performance, and “U” indicates unsatisfactory performance.

An incomplete or “I” grade may be awarded by the course instructor for work that is of passing quality but, for circumstances beyond the student’s control, is not complete. All course requirements must be completed by the last day to add a course for credit during the next regular semester. If the requirements are not met by this deadline, the “I” will convert to a failing (F) grade. If the student’s circumstances preclude removal of the “I” by the deadline, the student or instructor may, before the deadline, petition the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for an extension. Students should consult the Office of Financial Aid for how “I” grades will affect financial aid status.

Academic Progression Policy

Polices effective Summer 2019 semester for new and continuing students

Undergraduate Academic Requirements

  1. An undergraduate student must maintain a 2.0 cumulative LSUHSC-S Program grade point average (GPA) to be in good academic standing. An undergraduate student whose cumulative LSUHSC-S Program GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation.
  2. The minimum requirement for coursework is a grade of C. In courses designated Pass/Fail or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory a grade of Pass or Satisfactory is required to be in good academic standing.
  3. An undergraduate student should refer to a program-specific policies for academic progression when a failing grade (D,F,U) is recorded in a course.

Graduate Academic Requirements

  1. A graduate student must maintain a 3.0 cumulative LSUHSC-S Program grade point average (GPA) to be in good academic standing. A graduate student whose cumulative LSUHSC-S Program GPA falls below 3.0 will be placed on academic probation.
  2. The minimum requirement for coursework is a grade of C. In courses designated Pass/Fail or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory a grade of Pass or Satisfactory is required to be in good academic standing.
  3. For a graduate student enrolled in a master’s degree program no more than 9 credit hours of C grades may be counted toward a degree unless otherwise established by the Program. A master’s level student who accrues more than 9 credit hours of coursework with a grade of C will be dismissed from the School, independent of LSUHSC-S Program GPA.
  4. For a graduate student enrolled in a doctoral degree program, no more than 12 credit hours of C grades may be counted toward a degree unless otherwise established by the Program. A doctoral-level student who accrues more than 12 credit hours of coursework with a grade of C will be dismissed from the School, independent of LSUHSC-S Program GPA.
  5. A graduate student should refer to program-specific policies for academic progression when a failing grade (D,F,U) is recorded in a course.

Provisions for Academic Progression

  1. A student who falls below his or her Program’s minimal cumulative LSUHSC-S Program grade point average (GPA) requirement will be placed on academic probation.
  2. Once a student is placed on academic probation and the student is informed in writing, he or she will have up to two consecutive semesters to increase his or her cumulative LSUHSC-S Program GPA in order to be removed from this status. Failure to meet this requirement will result in dismissal from the School.
  3. A student who has already been placed on academic probation for the sum of two semesters in which they were enrolled at any point in time, irrespective of whether consecutive semesters, will be dismissed from the School if meeting criteria for academic probation for a third semester.
  4. A student cannot graduate while he or she is on academic probation.
  5. Unless otherwise established by the Program, a student who earns a failing grade (D,F,U) in a course may repeat the course one timely only.
  6. Grades recorded in repeated coursework do not replace the original grade. Both the original grade and repeated grade will appear on the academic transcript and both grades will be used in the computation of the LSUHSC-S Program GPA.
  7. A student may not enroll in a clinical rotation, fieldwork, or preceptorship until all clinical course prerequisites are completed per the minimum academic requirements.
  8. A student should refer to program-specific policies for academic progression related to clinical rotation, fieldwork, and preceptorship.
  9. A student must complete the Program in a specified period of time allotted by each Program.
  10. A student who withdraws from all courses in the term and/or Program is not guaranteed reinstatement in the Program unless they have been approved for a leave of absence by the Program Director.
  11. A student dismissed from the School may reapply to the Program to be considered for readmission.

Academic Probation/Dismissal Notification Procedure

Academic probation: The Program Director must notify a student in writing about the loss and/or reinstatement of good academic standing. The letter must be signed by both the Program Director and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. The Program Director must provide secondary copies of the letter to the Registrar and Admissions Office.

Dismissal: The Program Director must notify a student in writing about dismissal from the School. The letter must be signed by both the Program Director and Dean. The Program Director must provide secondary copies of the letter to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Registrar, and Admissions Office.

Satisfactory Academic Progress for Title IV Financial Aid

To progress in their academic program, a student must uphold good academic standing as specified above. Additionally, to remain eligible for Title IV financial aid, a student must satisfy two federal criteria: (1) maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative LSUHSC-S Program GPA for students enrolled in undergraduate programs or a minimum 3.0 cumulative LSUHSC-S Program GPA for students enrolled in graduate-level programs at the time of the annual review (initially after the first three semesters and subsequently on an annual basis), and (2) complete the program within 150% of the published length of the program, including any successfully completed transfer credits taken for the student’s academic program. Should a student comply with the program’s academic standards but fail to meet either of these federal requirements, they may continue their studies but will lose access to Title IV financial aid unless a successful appeal is made according to the University’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy. For more information, please contact the Student Financial Aid Office at (318) 675-5561 or shvfinaid@lsuhs.edu

Student Grade Appeal

The student is responsible for initiating the appeals process for a final course grade within 10 working days after the grade is posted with the Registrar. This appeals process is for final course grades only; students who wish to appeal grades received for examinations, quizzes, laboratories, or clinical practicum experiences, must resolve their appeals within their own program or departments. The instructor of record will have the final authority for assignment of grades in all program or departmental courses and activities. If any party to the appeal seeks resolution of the matter through any agency outside the Health Sciences Center, whether administrative or judicial, the Health Sciences Center shall have no obligation to continue the appeal process.

All due dates listed below are subject to change by the Dean if circumstances warrant.

The following procedure for appealing a final course grade is to be followed:

  1. The student should meet with the faculty member who assigned the grade within 10 working days of the date the grade was posted by the Registrar to discuss the grade and attempt to arrive at a solution.
    1. If an administrative officer (Program Director, Department Head, Dean, or Associate/Assistant Dean) is the faculty member who assigned the grade that is appealed, that administrative officer should be excused from the appeals process. The administrative officer will be replaced by a faculty member appointed by the Dean or his/her designee.
    2. If a solution is reached between the student and faculty member and it requires changing a final grade in an official LSU System record, the faculty member must comply with all University System regulations and procedures necessary to accomplish the grade change.
    3. The faculty member must notify the student of his decision within 5 working days of their meeting.
  2. If the matter is not resolved between the student and the faculty member assigning the grade, and the student chooses to pursue an appeal, the student shall make a written request to the Program Director (or Dean’s appointee) asking for a meeting.
    1. The written request should be submitted to the Program Director within 10 working days of the faculty member’s decision in step 1 above.
    2. The written request must clearly state the specific basis for the student’s dissatisfaction (e.g. why the grade is unjust, unfair, or inaccurate).
    3. The written request must explain what the student believes is an acceptable outcome (e.g. what the student wants the Program Director to do).
  3. The Program Director (or Dean’s appointee) shall arrange a meeting within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the request to discuss the matter. At this meeting, both the student and the faculty member may be accompanied by an advisor. Anyone may serve as an advisor. The advisor may offer advice during the meeting, but he/she may only direct the advice to his/her advisee. He/she may not address the meeting at large.
    1. The Program Director (or Dean’s appointee) shall render a decision within 10 working days of the meeting.
    2. If the decision reached requires change in an official grade record, the faculty member must comply with all regulations and procedures necessary to accomplish the change.
  4. If the student is not satisfied with the Program Director’s decision, the student may appeal to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
    1. The written request should be submitted to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs within 10 working days of the Program Director’s decision in step 3 above.
    2. The written request must summarize the appeal and clearly state the specific basis for the student’s dissatisfaction (e.g. why the grade is unjust, unfair, or inaccurate).
    3. The written request must explain what the student believes is an acceptable outcome (e.g. what the student wants the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs to do).
  5. Upon receipt of the request, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs will forward copies of the request for an appeal to the Program Director (or Dean’s appointee) and faculty member(s) concerned.
    1. The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs will meet with all parties involved and investigate the matter thoroughly.
    2. The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs shall render a decision within 10 working days of receipt of the appeal.
  6. If the student is not satisfied with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs’ decision, the student may appeal to the Dean of the School.
    1. The student’s appeal must be in writing and must contain all documentation of the appeal to that point.
    2. The written request must explain what the student believes is an acceptable outcome (i.e. what the student wants the Dean to do).
  7. Upon receipt of the request, the Dean will forward copies of the request for an appeal to the Program Director (or Dean’s appointee), faculty member concerned, and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
    1. The Dean will review the appeal from all levels.
    2. The Dean may choose to meet with any or all parties involved.
    3. The Dean may take one of the following actions:
      1. Render a decision based on the written appeal and his/her review of all documentation and investigation.
      2. Meet with all parties concerned, who may be accompanied by advisors if desired, and then reach a decision.
      3. Refer the appeal to an ad hoc appeals committee for its recommendation.
        1. If the Dean, or his/her designee, chooses to convene an ad hoc appeals committee, the Dean will appoint a chairperson and three faculty members.
        2. The panel will conduct a hearing to review facts from the concerned parties. After deliberation, the panel will make its recommendation in writing to the Dean within 5 working days of the hearing.
    4. The Dean’s decision will be in writing. It will list the reasons supporting the decision.
    5. Copies of the Dean’s final decision will be given to all parties.
    6. The Dean’s decision represents the final level of due process for appeal of a final course grade in the School of Allied Health Professions.
    7. If the decision requires change in an official record, the faculty member must comply with all regulations and procedures necessary to accomplish the change.

SAHP Student Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Procedure

Students who choose to cease enrollment in ALL courses at LSU Health Shreveport School of Allied Health Professions MUST OFFICIALLY WITHDRAW FROM THE INSTITUTION.

It is the responsibility of the student to read and understand the institution’s withdrawal and refund policies. The LSU Health Shreveport Withdrawal Policy can be located on the Registrar’s webpage. 

Allied Health students should consult their program’s academic policies prior to withdrawing from all classes. The program reserve the right to 1) automatically withdraw a student from their academic program if they drop all classes for the term or semester in which they are enrolled and 2) require additional clearance actions for students seeking a leave of absence.

Prior to initiating the withdraw procedure, students leaving the institution for any reason should contact the Bursar’s Office and Student Financial Aid Office to inquire about tuition refunds.


  • To give official notice of withdrawal, the student must submit a completed Allied Health Student Withdrawal Form to his/her Program Director. The form can be located on the Academic & Student Affairs Department page on the intranet: https://inside.lsuhscshreveport.edu.  
  • After obtaining the Program Director signature, the form must be submitted to the SAHP Admissions Office for processing.
  • The SAHP Admissions Office is responsible for facilitating the notification process between the Dean’s Office and the Office of the Registrar.