Oct 16, 2024  
School of Allied Health Student Handbook 2024-2025 
School of Allied Health Student Handbook 2024-2025

Student Complaints & Conduct

Student Complaint/Grievance Policy

Students should report complaints via the LSU Ethics, Integrity, and Misconduct Helpline or call 855-561-4099

About this Helpline

At Louisiana State University, we strive for excellence within our institutions, and we pride ourselves in fostering an environment that upholds the highest ethical standards. It is our belief that every member of our community plays an integral role in contributing to these efforts.

LSU is providing a system-wide helpline because we are committed to encouraging open and honest communication, and we want to encourage the members of the LSU community to continue to report issues and/or concerns through established reporting channels whenever possible. We also understand the importance of confidentiality when it comes to reporting; therefore, we encourage the use of the Helpline in those situations where you wish to remain anonymous.

Louisiana State University assures Helpline reports will be handled promptly and judiciously. No retaliatory action will be taken against anyone for reporting or inquiring in good faith about potential misconduct or breaches of laws, rules, regulations, or university policies, or for seeking guidance on how to handle suspected misconduct or breaches.

Academic Misconduct Policy

Students enrolled in the School of Allied Health Professions (SAHP) at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Shreveport (LSUHSC-S) should explicitly uphold the basic principles of behavior that constitute the highest standards of academic, professional, and ethical conduct as outlined below, or found to be designated in program policy or discipline-specific Codes of Ethics. 

For the SAHP to guarantee equal treatment for all students, faculty/staff and students must report suspected academic misconduct to the designated personnel in accordance with the provisions of this policy. Consistent with the obligation for equality of sanctions imposed on all students found guilty of academic misconduct, no disciplinary sanction shall be imposed upon a student except in accordance with the provisions of this document. 

Students have rights as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and all appropriate federal, state, and local laws, primary among those is the right to a fair and impartial hearing, if the student is accused of academic misconduct or violating university regulations. 

Institution Responsibilities: 

LSUHSC-S and SAHP are dedicated to providing their students, residents, faculty, staff, and patients with an environment of respect, dignity, and support. The diverse backgrounds, personalities, and learning needs of individual students must be considered at all times in order to foster appropriate and effective teacher-learner relationships. The institutions strive to promote honesty, fairness, even-handed treatment, and respect for students’ physical and emotional well-being for the foundation of establishing an effective learning environment.

Student Responsibilities:

LSUHSC-S students should uphold the basic principles of behavior that constitute the highest standards of academic, professional, and ethical conduct. Students are responsible for complying with all policies/procedures, rules, regulations, and other information published by LSUHSC-S and those policies that have been outlined in the SAHP Student Handbook, Program Student Handbook, course syllabi, and their discipline-specific Professional Code of Ethics.

  • As outlined in Chancellor’s Memoranda 21 (CM21 - Student Responsibilities and Rights), students are expected to:
  • Exhibit the highest standard of personal, academic, professional, and ethical behavior.
  • Treat faculty, staff, peers, clients, patients, and others with dignity and respect.
  • Abide by the Code of Conduct that applies to their specific professional discipline.
  • Abide by all federal, state, and local laws.

Students who violate any of the above when involved in any school or school-related activity/function, whether on or off campus, will be subject to disciplinary action. Disciplinary action taken by the school may be taken before, after, or at the same time as any penalties imposed by outside authorities for the same misconduct or offense.

The school’s judgment and action concerning the violation serve to demonstrate a standard of conduct and an aptitude for the role of a health provider/professional rather than to prosecute as a criminal or civil offense. 


Academic Misconduct Infraction Tiers

Tier I: Conduct demonstrated by the student that does not violate the stated infractions below, but does violate specific program policy as established in course syllabi, program handbook, or discipline-specific Professional Code of Ethics. These infractions are isolated events that may be eliminated or remediated with instruction at the program-level.

Tier II: Conduct for which students are subject to disciplinary action through the School of Allied Health Professions Administration is outlined, but not limited to the categories below: 

  1. Academic dishonesty: To obtain an unfair advantage by (a) cheating on examinations or other academic work; (b) unauthorized collaboration on an academic assignment; (c) retaining, possessing, memorizing, using, or circulating previously given examination materials, where those materials clearly indicate that they are to be sequestered; (d) intentionally obstructing or interfering with another student’s academic work; (e) failing to properly cite sources of information utilized in the completion of coursework which may be construed as plagiarism.
  2. Furnishing false or misleading information to any University office, official, faculty member, staff member, or student acting in an official capacity, or giving false or misleading testimony or other falsified evidence at any campus disciplinary proceeding.
  3. Forgery, alteration, falsification, or misuse of any University document, record, or instrument of identification. To misrepresent oneself as a health professional beyond one’s scope of education, status, or scope of licensure practice. To misrepresent or falsify research data. To misrepresent or falsify data or results concerning a patient’s clinical status or to break the confidentiality of any person in treatment or rehabilitation.
  4. Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administrative, or disciplinary proceedings of the University. This includes public service or other authorized University activities on or off the University premises.
  5. Physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion, and/or other conduct, which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person. Speech protected by the first amendment is not a violation of this provision, although statements which reasonably threaten or endanger the health or safety of any person are not protected speech.
  6. Breach of computer security or unauthorized use of computer facilities, including but not limited to: Unauthorized entry into a file; Unauthorized transfer or copy of a file; Unauthorized use of another individual’s username and password; Use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of another student, faculty, or staff; Use of computing facilities to send obscene or abusive message; Negligence in protecting passwords.
  7. Malicious treatment, harassment, threat, or intimidation of others, including sexual harassment: Mistreatment and abuse of students by faculty, residents, staff, or fellow students is contrary to the educational objectives of LSUHSC-S and will not be tolerated. Mistreatment and abuse include, but are not limited to, berating, belittling, or humiliating others; physical punishment or threats; intimidation; harassment or discrimination based on race, gender, sexual preference, age, religion, physical or learning disabilities; Sexual harassment in any form is not condoned and policies and procedures governing this type of mistreatment are covered under LSUHSC-S Title IX policies and procedures.
  8. Criminal activity that involves committing, attempting to commit, being an accessory to the commission of any crime and / or being convicted of a felony after enrollment in the School of Allied Health Professions.
  9. Repetitive violation of Tier I offenses: Student shows no improvement after multiple attempts at the program level to eliminate / remediate the offense.
  10. Failure to report suspected misconduct behavior. All students must report any suspected misconduct violations to the appropriate Program Director or the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. 

NOTE: Any violation that is considered to be non-academic in nature will follow the University’s policy for non-academic professional behavior violations. 


Academic Misconduct Sanctions

Tier I: Sanctions imposed on the student at the discretion of the program director may include one or more of the following:

  1. Remediation tasks
  2. Restorative justice tasks
  3. Deduction of points from work in question
  4. Repeat performance of work (may be at full or partial credit).

Tier II: Sanctions imposed on the student at the discretion of the Dean based on the evidence submitted by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs or recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee for Disciplinary Action may include one or more of the following:

  1. Tier I Sanction(s)
  2. Lower course grade by one to four letters
  3. Suspension from program class / course
  4. Dismissal from the School of Allied Health Professions


Tier I Academic Misconduct Policies & Procedure
  1. A faculty, staff, or student who suspects a Tier I infraction has occurred should provide a detailed written account to the program director within five (5) working days of the alleged misconduct. The program director (or program faculty designee) will discuss the circumstances and evidence surrounding the alleged violation with the accuser as a Tier I violation. 
  2. If the program director determines that the violation warrants consideration as a Tier I violation, they (or their program faculty designee) will discuss the charge with the student within five (5) working days of receiving the accuser’s written account. At the meeting, the student will be given the opportunity to make comments that substantiate or dispute their behavior. The accuser may or may not be present for this discussion at the discretion of the program director. 
  3. If the evidence is sufficient to justify such action, the program director (or program faculty designee) shall charge the student with a Tier I infraction, apply a sanction, and craft a remediation plan (if applicable) to help the student address and rectify the behaviors causing the violation.
  4. The Tier I infraction, sanction, and remediation plan will be documented on the Academic Misconduct Form by the program director (or program faculty designee) and will be signed by the program director (or program faculty designee) and the student.  
  5. A copy of the signed form will be given to the student and the original form will be placed in the student’s program file.
  6. The student will be required to complete remediation processes as documented in the plan.
  7. Due to its program-level nature, Tier I academic misconduct charges do not have an appeals policy or procedure in place until they reach the level of a Tier II offense.


  • In exceptional circumstances, the Program Director may appoint a program faculty designee to serve in their place for the Tier I Academic Misconduct process.
  • Per program designation, excessive Tier I infractions will be reported to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs as a Tier II violation. The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs may determine the infraction is not warranting the designation of a Tier II violation only if more than four Tier I violations have not been committed.


Tier II Academic Misconduct Policies & Procedures
  1. A faculty, staff, or student who has evidence to justify a Tier II charge of academic misconduct, shall present the evidence to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs within five (5) working days of the alleged misconduct.
    • This allegation of academic misconduct must be in writing and signed by the individual making the allegation.
    • The written report must contain a full summary of what was witnessed and other related details regarding the student’s alleged academic misconduct. 
  2. The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (or designee), will discuss the circumstances and evidence surrounding the alleged violation with the accuser as a Tier II violation.
  3. After reviewing the evidence and supporting documentation pertaining to the alleged violation, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (or designee) will then discuss the charge with the accused student within five (5) working days of the initial accusation. The accuser may or may not be present for this discussion at the discretion of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
  4. If the evidence is sufficient to justify such action, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (or designee) will provide the accused student with a written statement of the formal Tier II charge(s) within five (5) working days of the meeting discussing the charges. The written statement must include:  
    • Notice of the charge,
    • Notice of any and all violations of the institution’s non-academic rules or policies,
    • Notice of disciplinary proceedings or charges that will occur as a result, 
    • Notice shall include, but need not be limited to, each and every section of the institution’s rules or policies that the student is alleged to have violated and any evidence the institution used and collected in making the charge.
  5. A copy of the formal charge will be sent to the accused student and Dean.
  6. Within five (5) working days of receiving the charge(s), the accused student may choose one of the following options and make their choice in writing to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (or designee):
    • Option 1: Refer the charge(s) to the Committee on Student Conduct, Dismissal, and Appeals. 
    • Option 2: Request that the Dean accept administrative jurisdiction. 
    • Option 1 will be used in the adjudication process if the student fails to render a choice by the set deadline.
  7. The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (or designee) shall maintain all documents and evidence in their possession or control relevant to the alleged violation and the investigation including but not limited to:
    • Exculpatory evidence,
    • Documents submitted by any participant, and 
    • The institution’s choice of a video recording, audio recording, or transcript of any disciplinary hearing ultimately held in the matter.
    • The file shall not include privileged documents or internal memorandums that the institution does not intend to introduce as evidence at any hearing on the matter.
  8. A grade of “I” (incomplete) may be assigned, if necessary, until the Dean has rendered a final decision. Until the hearing concludes, the “I” will remain on the student’s official transcript and may result in a delay of progression through the program.  


  • In exceptional circumstances, the Dean may appoint someone other than the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs to serve in their place.
  • The accused student shall have reasonable continuing access to the administrative file and the ability to make copies of all evidence or documents in the file beginning at least five business days prior to any disciplinary hearing. 
  • A student accused of a Tier II infraction may be represented by an attorney or non-attorney advocate at all times during the selected disciplinary process. The representative may fully participate during any disciplinary proceedings. The student is responsible for payment of all costs of representation. The School of Allied Health Professions reserves the right to utilize University Legal Counsel when legal counsel will be present for the accused. To arrange for appropriate accommodations for the hearing, the student should disclose the advocate of choice (legal vs. non-legal).  Failure to disclose can result in a delay of the disciplinary hearing. See the constructs of Disciplinary Proceedings as outlined in CM-21 updated from August 1, 2022. 


Option 1: Committee on Student Conduct, Dismissal, and Appeals

  1. The Dean will assemble the Committee on Student Conduct, Dismissal, and Appeals, which shall be advisory to the Dean, within five (5) working days of the accused student’s decision.
  2. The Committee on Student Conduct, Dismissal, and Appeals is an   Ad Hoc Committee that shall consist of one faculty chairperson, two additional faculty members, and if desired by the Dean and approved by the accused student, up to two additional student representatives from a program of equal academic level (graduate or undergraduate). No faculty member nor student from the accused student’s program shall be selected for the Committee. The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs shall serve as an ex-officio / non-voting member of the Committee. University legal counsel may also be in attendance for those hearings where the accused utilizes a legal advocate.
  3. The Committee Chairperson is responsible for setting up the hearing and informing concerned parties and the Committee members of the time and place of the hearing. 
  4. At the hearing, evidence and supporting documentation of alleged academic misconduct will be presented. The accused student may present evidence in their defense, question those who present evidence against them, and refute evidence against them. The Committee may question all those who offer evidence. The Chairperson will ensure that the scope of the hearing and evidence presented relate to the charge of academic misconduct.
  5. After all evidence has been presented, the Committee will meet in executive session to deliberate and formulate its recommendation to the Dean. The Committee may choose one or more sanctions listed in this document as its recommendation.
  6. The Committee Chairperson shall submit a written report to the Dean including: the Committee’s finding(s), recommendation(s), summary of the evidence presented, and dissenting opinions within five (5) working days of the hearing. 


Option 2: The Administrative Hearing by the Dean

  1. The following specific conditions must be met before the Dean can accept jurisdiction. The accused student must:
    • Request in writing that the Dean take jurisdiction, and the Dean must be willing to accept the case as being appropriate for administrative resolution. 
    • Officially plead guilty in writing to the specific charge as prepared by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. 
    • Waive their right in writing to have the charge considered by the Committee on Student Conduct, Dismissal, and Appeals.


Action by the Dean

  1. The Dean will render a final decision consistent with the following schedule: 1) within five (5) working days of receipt of the Committee on Student Conduct, Dismissal, and Appeals report, or 2) within five (5) working days of accepting administrative jurisdiction. 
  2. The Dean has the authority to impose sanctions other than those recommended by the Committee on Student Conduct, Dismissal, and Appeals and determine the date when sanctions will be imposed.
  3. The Dean’s final decision, plus a copy of the Committee’s findings and recommendations as applicable, shall be distributed to the student involved, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, and other appropriate administrators.



As a matter of right, a student may appeal the decision of the Dean. An appeal must be made to the Chief Academic Officer of the LSU Health Sciences Center in Shreveport within ten (10) working days of the decision of the Dean. The student retains their right to representation during the appeal under the same terms outlined in CM-21.  

The written appeal must include: 

  • Justification for the appeal which must include one of the following: new evidence, contradictory evidence, and/or evidence that the student was not afforded due process.
  • The administrative file with all documents and evidence relevant to the violation. The administrative file may be sent to the Chief Academic Officer (or designee) by the Dean or Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. 

The Chief Academic Officer (or designee) will make a decision in writing within ten (10) working days after receipt of appeal and administrative file to:

  1. Grant the appeal, 
  2. Deny the appeal, 
  3. Order a new hearing, or
  4. Reduce or modify the punishment. 

In reaching this decision, the Chief Academic Officer (or designee) may hold a formal meeting with all parties and their advisors, if desired, and/or ask parties to the appeal to make written reply to the request for a review. 

Once a decision is made, the Chief Academic Officer (or designee) will notify all parties of the decision in writing. 

The decision of the Chief Academic Officer (or designee) shall conclude the matter.

Interim Attendance

During the appeal, the student may or may not be permitted to attend class based on a session-by-session or course-by-course basis. This decision will be made by the Program Director and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and will depend on the nature of the offense. 

NOTE: If the appeal results in the reversal of the decision or a lessening of the sanction, LSUHSC-S shall reimburse the student for any tuition and fees paid for the period of suspension, including a deferred suspension or expulsion if not previously refunded.

Student Alcohol and Drug Policy

The physical and mental well-being of LSU Health Sciences Center- Shreveport students is essential to its educational research, and service missions. Substance abuse causes serious adverse consequences to the individual as well as to the university community and the public.

LSU Health Sciences Center -Shreveport is committed to creating and maintaining an environment that is free of alcohol and other drug abuse. The University complies with Louisiana Law and other applicable regulations governing alcoholic beverages and the use of illicit substances for those on the University’s premises or participating in its activities. 

Routine alcohol and drug testing

A critical part of medical education involves learning experiences in hospitals and other health care facilities. Use of these facilities in training is essential, and students must be able to complete their assigned rotations. Many hospitals and health care facilities have policies requiring drug testing and/or criminal background checks for employees, students and volunteers. Facilities that provide instruction to LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport students may have, or may adopt in the future, drug testing and/or criminal background check policies. Some facilities mandate that students who test positive for drugs, or who have certain types of information in their criminal background checks, are ineligible to work in their facility.

Students who test positive on a routine drug test will be referred to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs who will review their test results. If a student refuses evaluation or consent to share the results of this evaluation, he/she may be subject to disciplinary procedures per the Student Conduct, Dismissal, & Appeals policy including eligibility of recommendation for dismissal.

For cause testing

To ensure compliance with institutional policies and to promote a safe and healthy work environment LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport may require students to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing “for cause” based upon reasonable suspicion of substance abuse, b) the unauthorized use or possession of alcohol on campus or at a health care setting or c) the use of or possession of illicit drugs at any time. Reasonable suspicion of substance abuse may be based upon, but is not limited to, the following criteria:

  • Direct observation of drugs or alcohol use or possession and /or demonstration of physical symptoms of the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • A pattern of abnormal or erratic behavior, consistent with alcohol or drug abuse
  • Arrest or conviction for a drug or alcohol related offense; identification as the focus of a criminal investigation into illicit drug use, possession or trafficking
  • Evidence that a student has tampered with a previous drug or alcohol test
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia

Under appropriate circumstances and in accordance with the law, LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport, in conjunction with law enforcement authorities, reserves the right to conduct unannounced searches and inspection of LSUHSC-S facilities and properties, including vehicles.


Reporting persons must contact the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and should document the exact reason why they suspect a violation. Every effort should be made to document the behavior and how the behavior is affecting the student’s performance. The reporting person should make every effort to document the specific facts that would lead a reasonable person to the conclusion that the student was using or was in possession of illicit drugs or unauthorized alcohol. Whenever possible, corroborating statements from other administrators, faculty, employees, or students as well as patients should be obtained.


When determination to test for cause has been made, the student will be escorted to the Student/Occupational Health Clinic to obtain his/her drug screening for collection of urine sample to test for drugs and/or alcohol. Testing cost will be borne by LSUHSC-S. Testing will be done according to standard procedure for these settings.

The School will direct the Drug Screening Report to be sent to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. Prior to making a final decision to confirm a positive test, the student will have the opportunity to discuss the test results and provide any documentation for a legitimate medical explanation for the positive test result.


Any student who fails an alcohol or drug test will be subject to disciplinary sanctions and a disciplinary hearing per the Student Conduct, Dismissal, & Appeals policy. These sanctions could result in dismissal. An individual’s participation in, and successful completion of, an approved drug or alcohol counseling program coupled with his/her consent to random testing may be considered in the disciplinary process but does not ensure that dismissal will not occur.

Any student who is given the option to participate in a rehabilitation program will comply with the treatment and rehab requirements set forth below:

  • Satisfactorily participate in a substance abuse assistance program or rehabilitation program.
  • The student must provide permission for the treatment center to provide continuing communication and regular reports to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.  
  • After successful completion of the treatment/rehabilitation program, the student must provide evidence of continued outpatient therapy in an approved program appropriate to the treatment recommendation.
  • Remain substance free after completing a rehabilitation program for chemical dependency and participate in random drug screening during rehabilitation and for the duration of their education at LSUHSC-S.
  • Failure to comply with these requirements may result in recommendation for dismissal.
Refusal to Consent to Testing

Any student who refuses to consent to an alcohol or drug test for cause or fails to provide an adequate specimen will be subject to discipline per the Student Conduct, Dismissal, & Appeals policy  up to and including recommendation for dismissal.


LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport respects the individual rights of its students. Every effort will be made to keep the results of alcohol and drug testing confidential. Students should be aware that test results may be used for administrative hearings and court cases and may be sent to state and /or federal agencies as required by applicable law.

Any student involvement in a rehabilitative program for substance abuse will be handled with confidentiality. Students seeking such assistance shall be protected from abuse, ridicule, retribution, and retaliatory action. All medical information obtained will be protected as confidential unless otherwise required by law or overriding public health and safety concerns.

Substance Abuse Self-Identification

The LSUHSC-S administration and faculty wish to assist students before they develop academic or legal problems related to alcohol and drugs. When a student is self-referred for treatment or counseling, no official report is made unless specific permission is granted by the student. Patient-physician confidentiality is carefully guarded.

LSUHSC-S encourages students who have developed substance abuse problems to voluntarily identify themselves and to seek immediate treatment.

A student who voluntarily self-identifies as an abuser may be permitted to continue his/her current course of study without suspension, provided:

  • This self-identification occurs PRIOR to any incident that is grounds for suspension or dismissal under institutional policy.
  • The student immediately enters an approved treatment program for the drug or alcohol abuse.
  • The student’s conduct and academic performance remain consistent with the demands of the curriculum and profession.

A student who voluntarily self-identifies as an abuser and who, by his /her own admission, by the testimony of approved abuse counselors, or by the determination of institutional authority is no longer capable of acceptable academic and professional conduct will be required to take a medical leave of absence from LSUHSC-S. Nothing in this paragraph will preclude LSUHSC-S from suspending, dismissing or taking other appropriate action against the student for unacceptable academic performance or lack of professional conduct.

Notification of Arrests/Convictions

Students must notify the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs of any drug or alcohol related arrests or convictions within ten (10) working days after charge of an offense. Failure to do so and subsequent notification during a required background check may result in disciplinary action per the Student Conduct, Dismissal, & Appeals policy including dismissal. Drug-Free Workplace Act, Government Code Section 8350-8357.

Standards of Professional Dress

Being a student or employee in a health care environment carries many responsibilities, including professional dress and behavior. In recognition of the fact that we are in contact with patients, health professionals, students, faculty, and staff on a daily basis, it is necessary that students and employees maintain a neat, clean personal appearance at all times. The following guidelines apply to all students and employees during any on-campus and off-campus activities sponsored by the School of Allied Health Professions. Please note that these are minimum standards and individual programs and departments may have requirements that are more specific.

  1. LSU Health Shreveport identification badges must be worn at all times while on-campus. The badge should be worn with name and photo clearly visible on the front, upper torso.
  2. Students and employees are expected to dress in business casual attire consistent with a professional environment Monday through Thursday or any time deemed necessary. Business casual attire includes slacks, khakis, and cropped dress pants, as well as collared shirts, blouses, sweaters, dresses, and skirts. Jeans, leggings, spandex pants, sweatpants, or athletic apparel are excluded.
  3. Students and employees may wear t-shirts and jean pants (free of holes, tears, or rips) on Fridays or for special occasions approved by the Dean. This is an optional privilege. If an event or meeting occurs on a Friday when it would be inappropriate to dress casually, some students may be required to dress in normal business casual attire. This decision would be at the discretion of the course instructor or program director.
  4. Scrub suits and/or lab coats may be worn if prescribed by individual departments. Scrub tops and bottoms must be solid in color (no patterns).
  5. Students must follow dress code standards at their external clinical/fieldwork sites.
  6. Additional dress code standards include:
  • Clothing should be free of holes, tears, or rips.
  • Clothing should be without offensive language or inappropriate designs.
  • Clothing must cover all undergarments.
  • No sweatpants, shorts, leggings or spandex pants, or athletic apparel. Some exceptions apply to specific laboratory situations in which the course instructor or program director approves sport dress. However, students should change into business casual dress or scrub suits (if prescribed by the individual department) after the lab, if remaining on campus.
  • No strapless garments, spaghetti straps, tank tops, or crop tops. Sleeveless shirts or dresses may be permitted when layered with a sweater or jacket.
  • No t-shirts or jeans of any color, unless worn on Fridays or other days approved by the Dean.
  • No jewelry that can cause a safety hazard.
  • Shoes must be neat and clean. Tennis shoes are acceptable. Open-toed shoes, such as sandals, may be worn unless prohibited by individual programs or departments. Flip-flops are prohibited.
  • Hair must be clean, well-groomed, and neat.
  • Fingernails must be clean and kept at a safe, functional length.

Violations: Faculty and/or the program director should inform student or employee in a timely manner if they violate the above or program-specific dress code. Program-level infractions may range from verbal warnings with corrective instruction to sending the student or employee home immediately to change clothing with an unexcused absence. Students who repeatedly violate the dress code policy may be subject to sanctions for professional misconduct per the policy outlined in the SAHP Student Handbook.

Adopted May 2022

Social Media Policy

The School of Allied Health Professions (SAHP) prepares students for professions that provide services to the public and therefore the school expects high standards of behavior and professional communication to be maintained at all times. Professional behavior and proper etiquette with technology are expected of students while on the university campus and off campus while representing the university as a student enrolled in a clinical course, volunteering or being involved with a school related project. Students should remember that their professionalism is reflected in their online presence. Future employers, clinical preceptors and other stakeholders with the school may search social media sites when considering candidates to hire or have an interest in the student for whatever reason. Students and faculty are agents for the SAHP and should conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times while engaging in social media. 

The following Administrative Directives and Brand Standard apply to students.

  • 6.17 Website & Online Communication
  • 6.18 Social Media Use: Personal and Professional Communications
  • 6.19 Internal and External Communications
  • LSU Health Shreveport Brand Standards

1. Blog: A blog is a website maintained by an individual or organization with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other materials such as graphics or video. Blogs may provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal on-line diaries.

2. Social Media: For the purposes of this Policy “Social Media” is an on-line social structure made up of individuals or organizations that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as values, visions, ideas, financial exchange, friendship, business operations, professional exchange, etc. Social Media sites operate on many levels, from families up to the level of nations, and play a critical role in determining the way information is exchanged, problems are solved, organizations are run, and the degree to which individuals succeed in achieving their goals. Examples of Social Media sites include, but are not limited to Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram or other similar sites.


1. The use of technology can create potential liability for the student, faculty, and the university. Posting certain information can be illegal, and in violation of existing statutes and administrative regulations that may expose the offender to criminal and civil liability.

2. Students, faculty and staff are liable for anything they post to social media sites and may be subject to discipline by the SAHP or litigation.

3. The following actions are strictly forbidden unless done with permission or for official University business:

a. Posting or communicating any patient-related information or information which may potentially identify a particular patient on a social media site or in a blog. Removal of the patient’s name does not solve this problem - inclusion of gender, age, race, diagnosis, etc. may still allow the reader to recognize the identity of a specific individual. Violations of this requirement may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the program, as well as other liability for violation of HIPAA. Students should never publicly make comments about the care of a specific patient, including online. Even acknowledging the care of a patient is an unacceptable disclosure of patient identifying information. Disclosing confidential patient information in an inappropriate manner is a federal offense under HIPAA. The penalties include significant fines and/or criminal penalties. The SAHP takes violations of patient privacy seriously and will take corrective action when aware of such a violation.

b. Posting or communicating private academic information of another student, including but not limited to grades, narrative evaluations, or adverse academic actions.

c. The taking of any photographs and/or posting, sharing, or printing of photographs from a patient care area or laboratory environments unless authorized by faculty.

d. Use of University logos, marks, or graphics on social media sites.

e. Posting of confidential or proprietary information about the university, staff, students, clinical facilities, preceptors, patients/clients, or others with whom one has contact.

f. Use of the University’s name or the student’s program’s name to promote a cause, product, political party, or candidate.

4. The following actions are considered unprofessional behavior and violations of these guidelines are subject to disciplinary action:

a. Display of vulgar language while on social media sites, in the classroom, or clinical area.

b. Display of language or photographs that imply disrespect for any individual or group for any reason (for example: age, race, religion, ethnicity, culture, disability, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation) with social media.

c. Posting of potentially inflammatory or unflattering material regarding a patient, student, faculty member, staff, or administrator.

d. Videotaping or audio recording faculty or fellow students and posting these recordings online without the permission of the faculty or fellow student.

5. Suggested tips when using social media:

a. Be smart about protecting private and confidential information.

b. There is no such thing as a “private” social media site. Search engines can turn up posts years after the publication date. Comments can be forwarded or copied. Archival systems save information, including deleted postings.

c. If you feel angry or passionate about a subject, it’s wise to delay posting until you are calm and clear-headed. Think twice before posting. If you are unsure about posting something or responding to a comment, ask your faculty.

d. Future employers hold you to a high standard of behavior. By identifying yourself as an LSUHSC-Shreveport student through postings and personal Web pages, you are connecting to your colleagues, clinical agencies, and even clients/patients. Ensure that content associated with you is consistent with your professional goals. Employers will conduct Web searches on job candidates before extending offers.

e. Respect your audience.

f. Adhere to all applicable university privacy and confidentiality policies.

g. Monitor comments. You can set your site so that you can review and approve comments before they appear. This allows you to respond in a timely way to comments. It also allows you to delete spam comments and to block any individuals who repeatedly post offensive or frivolous comments.

6. If a student is accused of violating the SAHP’s Social Media Policy, The school’s Student Misconduct and Appeals Policies will be used to address the charge.