Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ELECT EWRAD - Radiology elective Category: Online Director(s): Meghna Chadha, M.D. Number of Students Per 2 Week Block: 20 Selective Available During Blocks: All Non-LSUHSC Students Allowed: No Course Code: EWRAD 2 Credits
Goals and Objectives: The major course goal is to provide students with a foundation in basic radiology so they may familiarize themselves with commonly performed exams and be competent as interns.
A secondary goal of the course is to provide an educational medium while they are pursuing interviews.
- Order a Radiologic investigation using an appropriate manner
- Order the most appropriate radiological exam for the clinical indication
- Recognize a technically adequate Chest radiograph, including most commonly performed views
- Describe the normal anatomy on radiographs of the chest and abdomen
- Diagnose common abnormalities on a chest radiograph, with at least 2 differential diagnosis
- Differentiate the radiological manifestations of various common lung pathologies
- Understand normal radiographic views for musculoskeletal exams
- Utilize radiological investigations in the setting of trauma
- Familiarize oneself with radiologic findings in arthritis
- Familiarize oneself with the most common ultrasound applications in the ER
- Recognize the solid organs on CT of the abdomen
- Use time management techniques effectively
- Develop an effective system of independent learning
Specific Features: This 2-week elective web-based rotation involves self-paced, and self-directed learning. Students may complete the assigned coursework from any Internet accessible location.
Should there be a question regarding an image or diagnosis, the course director is available for trouble-shooting via email, telephone or in-person.
Requirements: Going to Moodle and reading the information about the course is number one. This is a Pass/Fail - Must Pass course. All course requirements must be completed by the end of the block in which the course is taken. After completion of all portions of the assigned 2-week course, students will take a multiple choice exam ending with a Quiz score of 70% or greater.
Should a student’s Quiz score fall below 70%, he/she will repeat course in the following block. Students will not be allowed to repeat the exam during the block. You will receive an incomplete if you fail to pass the quiz. Please keep in mind; if you take the late block in December and do not pass the Quiz, then the incomplete may interfere with financial aid.
Professional Burden on student: While this course has been designed to aid students in pursuing interviews and travel, it is also to foster skills in lifelong independent learning. Before you begin the rotation you are recommended to do the following:
- Reflect upon your individual goal for this rotation
- Review the course requirements on Moodle the first day of the rotation so you know how much time you will need to dedicate.You will NOT receive an email repeating what is on Moodle.You will only receive an email with the Quiz password so you may take it during the rotation.
- Review your travel plans and Internet availability in advance. All of the materials are on the internet and most require the use of the LSUHS GlobalProtect VPN (instructions for access can be found here In addition, a current ExamSoft account is needed. If you are going to be traveling, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the ability to review your course work before you leave.
Professional attributes are as important in this rotation as in others. Failure to complete course requirements within the specified duration will be considered unprofessional.
The examination for this course is based on the following modules. YOU are REQUIRED to review these on your own and be ready to take the test at the appropriate time.
Emergency Ultrasound - The VPN is NOT required to access this resource.
AccessMedicine > Basic Radiology, 2e The VPN is required to access this resource.
You will only need to access the designated sections in the chapters below.
Chapter 1. Scope of Diagnostic Imaging
Scope of Diagnostic Imaging: Introduction
Chapter 3. Imaging of the Heart and Great Vessels
Imaging of the Heart and Great Vessels: Introduction
Techniques and Normal Anatomy
Technique Selection
Exercise 3-1. Increased Heart Size
Exercise 3-2. Alterations in Cardiac Contour
Exercise 3-3. Pulmonary Vascularity
Exercise 3-4. Vascular Abnormalities
Chapter 4. Radiology of the Chest
Radiology of the Chest: Introduction
Technique Selection
Exercise 4-1. The Opaque Hemithorax
Exercise 4-2. Lobar Atelectasis
Exercise 4-3. Airspace Diseases
Exercise 4-4. Diffuse Lung Opacities
Exercise 4-5. Airway Disease
Exercise 4-6. Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
Exercise 4-7. Pulmonary Neoplasm
Exercise 4-11. Mediastinal Masses and Compartments
Exercise 4-13. Pleural Effusion
Exercise 4-14. Pulmonary Vascular Disease
Exercise 4-15. Interstitial Lung Disease
Chapter 7. Imaging of Joints
Techniques and Normal Anatomy
Technique Selection
Exercise 7-1. Congenital Joint Disorders
Exercise 7-4. Arthritides
Chapter 8. Plain Film of the Abdomen
Plain Film of the Abdomen: Introduction
Technique and Normal Imaging
Technique Selection
Exercise 8-5. Increased or Decreased Density in the Abdomen
Chapter 10. Gastrointestinal Tract
Gastrointestinal Tract: Introduction
Examination Techniques
Normal Imaging
Technique Selection
Exercise 10-1. Dysphagia
Exercise 10-4. Small-Bowel Obstruction
Exercise 10-6. Colonic Obstruction
Please make sure that you know how to access the library material off campus.
You will be able to take the quiz any time during the assigned time of the elective. The quiz must be completed by the last Friday of the course.
It is a multiple choice quiz.
The Quiz must be completed in 60 minutes and is timed by ExamSoft and you may only download and take the quiz once. If you fail to pass, then the next opportunity to take the test will be the following rotation. You will receive an incomplete.
Offered: Blocks 4-7 only