Feb 15, 2025  
Faculty Bylaws (Revised March 13, 2023) 
Faculty Bylaws (Revised March 13, 2023)

Article VII. The Dean of the School of Medicine

A. Description

The Dean shall be a full-time member of the Faculty duly appointed by the Chancellor and ratified by the LSU Board of Supervisors. The Dean is the Chief Executive Officer of the School of Medicine and is responsible to the Chancellor and the LSU Board of Supervisors for all aspects of the operation and management of the school.

B. Administrative Responsibilities

The administrative responsibilities of the Dean shall include Faculty recruitment and appointments; educational and research programs; admissions, placement, and student affairs; budgeting, fiscal management; space utilization; equipment and other activities that strengthen the educational, research and professional service functions of the School of Medicine in keeping with its mission and goals.

C. Faculty Promotion and Tenure

The Dean shall recommend tenure, Faculty appointments and promotions to the Chancellor after review and consideration of the Promotions and Tenure Committee actions. If the recommendation of the Dean differs from that of the Promotions and Tenure Committee, the difference, and the reasons for this action, shall be reported to the Promotions and Tenure Committee and to the Chancellor.

D. Special Committees

The Dean shall appoint special faculty committees as necessary to fulfill the needs of the school.

E. Specific Delegation of Authority

The Dean may appoint and delegate executive authority to senior associate, associate, and assistant deans who shall assist in the conduct of School business. The Dean shall make known to the faculty the principal areas of responsibility of each senior associate, associate, and assistant dean. Senior associate, associate, and assistant deans typically are appointed in the following areas: student and diversity affairs, population health and primary care, academic affairs, and admissions.

F. Departmental Review

At least every five years, the Dean shall meet with the Chair and faculty of each Department to review the Department. The Dean may, at that time, appoint an ad hoc Review Committee to review the Department. The function of this committee shall be to evaluate teaching, research and service functions of the Department and make appropriate recommendations to the Dean concerning Departmental performance. When desirable, the opinion of qualified experts who are not members of the LSUHSC-S faculty may be sought. The Dean shall ascertain the opinions and suggestions of faculty members concerning Departmental administration, organization, morale, and objectives, and determine the willingness of the Chair to continue as the Departmental Executive. A Department may, at any time, request that it be reviewed by submitting a petition to the Dean from two-thirds or more of the Departmental Faculty.